Mustaine will hire an IT studio professional

Holy shit I know them all:
I know how to do networking stuff ( no problem connecting a mac to pc network and viceversa)
I know data transfer!!
I know pc (very very well ) and mac
I know like my pocket PT from 6 and on
I gotta move to Cali ASAP lol

ˆthis. He is not worse than my boss for sure.
I'd love to do it but unfortunately I live in the wrong part of the world plus turning up to work wearing Dissection shirts wouldn't go down to well with him I'd say :lol:
No, for the reasons I've already explained. Just google around and you'll easily find more dirt than I could ever offer.

I'm not sure what you're getting at but you sure are getting bossy for a guy with 8 posts-- all in one thread.

Well if you are so sure about your 2nd hand information, lets see some links to that dirt which would prove you're right. Sounds to me that you're just another tool talking out of your ass and believing everything your told.

And lol, should the new people here somehow bow down to those who have posted herer longer? Get a life, moron.
I personally watched Mustaine screaming in anger at Chris Broderick in front of a lot of people, then threw his guitar and walked away, he menaced to cancel the show becuse some of his personal picks got stolen ( i admit it, i took one, just one), i also talked with his guitar Tech (Really nice Guy), i asked him "The guy is a moody huh?" he replied "Yeah Totally" and shared a couple stories as well.

Just Sharing :)

and here we go. i'd get very angry as well if my gear got stolen by some asshole. and you even admit stealing it. you're an asshole and a pitiful thief.
Ohh lawd, another one of the "New guy versus the more senior members" threads.
Isn't this a new concept, huh?
A few months ago I met Willie Gee (Mustaine's personal guitar tech) and let me tell you, one of the nicest guys I've ever met, he even went to my house.

30 minutes before our show, I went to Megadeth's dressing room and talked to all of them, Mustaine was ok, just a man of few words, he was happy with the gift I gave him :)

Can't tell if the guy is a bad boss or person, he was nice to me.

I don't wanna have to delete the intire thread, please try to act like grown ups.
discussion is cool, but please try to keep the personal insults to a minimum're just another tool talking out of your ass and believing everything your told.
Get a life, moron.

that sort of behaviour is not welcome on this forum, you're not being perma banned cause other people have been assaulting you too.
if you decide to je-join the discussion after your ban has been lifted please make sure to do it in a more intelligent way.
A few months ago I met Willie Gee (Mustaine's personal guitar tech) and let me tell you, one of the nicest guys I've ever met, he even went to my house.

30 minutes before our show, I went to Megadeth's dressing room and talked to all of them, Mustaine was ok, just a man of few words, he was happy with the gift I gave him :)

Can't tell if the guy is a bad boss or person, he was nice to me.


I'm really curious to know what the gift was.
How many people have jobs working for a boss that is a jerk? Lots and lots of people. Sounds like a great gig for some body that really has their audio engineering stuff together. There is some talented guys on this forum that should apply. What do they have to lose?

As for Dave Mustaine he is my all time favorite guitar player and megadeth is my favorite band. That said he has the ability to piss me off like no other rock star (a CD called Risk comes to mind).

Why does it matter if he is an ass or not? He is never going to live down the street from me or poop on my lawn. I just spin the cd's.

And for the totally off topic subject of dog abuse. I'd break a dudes legs if he kicked one of my dogs.
Do you guys think his book is something you gotta read or just something neat to pick up?

PS. I just realized that I've been on this board for 9 years. I must be a really good fly on the wall...

The book is for sure a good read, but honestly it's a story we already know, the book just gets more in depth. If you are a Megadeth fan you'll probably enjoy it.