MW1 Studio Tool


Feb 11, 2007
Frisco, CA
Does anyone have this DI/Reamp box? What are your thoughts? I wonder if the quality of the DI can even be a better quality than say a countryman. Are there samples out there of one vs the other?? Dont have the money for something like this anytime soon but it's seems like a cool product.
I have one it's great, very useful and versatile tool. It's meant to be transparent which is nice when you are reamping, it keeps the original character of the guitar and doesn't try to add any further 'transformer color' or anything. Although you can also shape the tone quite a bit with the impedence controls. The clean boost is also awesome sounding and super handy to have at times. Lots of other handy shit like a Tuner out helps justify the high price a bit more.

I don't know if it has 'better' sound quality then other high quality DIs, I haven't compared directly, but it definitely gets great results for me.