My adventures in Space


Violator of Sheep
Jan 21, 2003
Seattle/Tacoma (Browns Point), WA
Now I got your attention.

If it comes up as page not found, hit retry. You'll have to watch it a few times to understand what it is. The film is being shot from a shuttle and the object moving of course is not a shuttle. Watch for the beam and where it's coming from, and then watch the moving object. Also, when the film was being shot, the shuttle was just above North America. I believe it was one of ours.
That's really interesting, I saw that video before somewhere and I don't know what to make of it.. I really wish I knew what the hell was going on out there. Where IS that shot coming from anyway? You can see there's a second ship at the bottom left.. it wasn't as startled by the shot as the other one..

very interesting..
:erk: Aliens are gonna eat me :(

However, good video but i find the camera just happening ti be floating in space with record n looking at this hard to believe.
NeedledWarheart said:
:erk: Aliens are gonna eat me :(

However, good video but i find the camera just happening ti be floating in space with record n looking at this hard to believe.
:erk: Dude, the camera is from inside the shuttle and every exploration was videotaped. I heard something like they aren't allowed to videotape anymore because of this incident.....or something like that. This got released to the media and I don't think th public really like the fact that we shot at a alien craft. It was leaked to the media somehow and they don't want it to happen again.
peronally i have no idea whats going on with this alien stuff... and as long as they dont stick a huge contraption up my ass im okay... :lol: