My amazing Opeth lucid dream


Feb 12, 2003
Boston, MA
I really enjoy the fact that I have some pretty awesome dreams about music...

For example - A couple weeks back I dreamt that I was watching an Opeth show, and they were my dreams, i can hear every song note for note, and sometimes they'd even add little things here and there (and of course i'm nodding in agreement, like "Yeah, that's exactly what I would have done!"). So basically it was like watching a free concert. Midway through their set, as i was watching from backstage, Axe up from his kit...i suppose he was tired or ill or something. Mikael spoke with me for a bit, and I assured him that I knew their songs certainly as well as Axe, so he graciously let me sit in for the rest of the concert! (i'm a drummer)

I specifically remember playing a few songs like "Bleak" and "The Leper Affinity"...the adrenaline was amazing! I was nailing every section even better than when I play in real life!
So after the show, they all congratulated me, and I actually ended up hanging out with Mikael for a while, and introducing him to some friends and my mom, of all people. He was smoking his cigs and acting just really pleasant!

Is it normal to constantly be conversing/hanging out with people that you respect, while you're dreaming? Because we have REALLY good conversations! I've spent time with Steven Wilson, almost all the guys from Opeth, Gavin Harrison, Keith Carlock, and Pat Metheny, to name a few.
Sometimes it's a more formal interview setting, and other times we happen to be in the same place and there's nobody else waiting to talk to them, so we get to just chill out for a while.

They're very nice dreams, and mine tend to be wonderfully detailed and realistic anyway....It's ALMOST as good as the real thing, because sometimes i get some excellent advice or inspiration.

can anyone else identify with these types of dreams?
Being surprised by the queer posts here never ceases :)

In my dream about Opeth I was with Adriana Lima listening to Moonlapse Vertigo but pardon me for not writing it in full details..
Man, you have seriously cool dreams. I don't remember having an Opeth connection in a dream of mine, I have also had a hard time remembering any dreams as of late. Maybe I should try putting down some notes every morning if I still have some sort of idea of what I dreamt about as otherwise it will just fade away.
Man, you have seriously cool dreams. I don't remember having an Opeth connection in a dream of mine, I have also had a hard time remembering any dreams as of late. Maybe I should try putting down some notes every morning if I still have some sort of idea of what I dreamt about as otherwise it will just fade away.

that's definitely a good practice to start...not only will it help you remember what you dream about, it'll kind of train your subconscious after a while to drop you back into the same dream you just awoke from. But this time, if you're able to recognize the fact that it's a dream, you can control what happens through will alone.

I usually set my alarm about 90 minutes before i actually have to wake up, and I wake up at intervals of about 30 minutes after that, each time having a fully distinct and complete dream.
im envious, my dreams are usually nonsense. this is usually what i am doing in my dream before i wake up freaked out:

im envious, my dreams are usually nonsense. this is usually what i am doing in my dream before i wake up freaked out:

LOL! I have dreamed about seeing Opeth live before. Not sitting around chatting with them though. Speaking of Dso, I dreamed the other night I saw them live at a 1 time only France gig and it fucking dominated. In the morning I was thinking that I honestly would travel to France if they did it.
My girlfriend is just like you. When asleep, she does very long dreams and she is always able to tell every single details of it. I can't tell how that's called, but it's really interesting. I remember being like that when I was young. I believe Opeth are really "encrusted" in your mind (subconscious).