My Apology..


Indefinite Entity
Sep 27, 2006
Unsure and Inexact
Ok, well this has been a long time coming I suppose, and well I just want to tell everyone who I've pissed at one time or another on this board that I'm sorry.

I mean, I'm willing to change and just get along with everyone here. I am actually a REALLY nice person, despite my behaviour on this board. In real life I am totally opposite so, I dont know what the fuck is wrong with me. But I'll stop. It was nothing personal, I guess I just try too hard to amuse myself by being funny or thinking I was anyway :p. And I guess I went too far and became over-the-top and yeh. But I won't be that way anymore.

After being here and talking to you guys, you're all pretty cool, minus a few things here and there, but hey, all friends dont ALWAYS get along or agree all of the time so, whatever it's not excuse for the way I was acting towards some of you so. I'm not saying I was fully in the wrong, but what I did do didn't make anything better so, it would have been best to just let it go. But like I said, the majority of you guys are pretty fucking cool shit.

So, accept this or don't, either way I'm gonna tone shit down and stop the arguing. I'm a nice guy and it's time to show it. Hopefully we can all get along, I mean there's enough bad shit in life to deal with so no sense in me making coming to this board another one of those things for you. So to re-interate... I'm sorry, and let's be friends united under Bodom. And if you still can't forigve me, then I urge you to ignore me.

Ok? Thanks for reading this if you did, and take care!

(If you have anything to say to me, get it off yer chest now, kthnx. :D:D)
Too much sugar for an only thread... :lol: Please add something harsh!:lol:
lol, I've spread enough harshness around... my posts can be the text equivalent to Alexi's earlier vocals in harshness..
Welcome to the board.

PS: I am a dude.

Thanks a lot :), and ok cool, sorry about that btw ^_^;.

┼Victim of the Night┼;5572331 said:
And I've always told it...

Aw, and thanks for believing in me :p:D
What caused you to make the change? Anything in particular?
A username change is called for.

Not quite. I like my username... it's my nom de plume.. not like some weird one like "cobhcfanatic666lber4lyfe" :lol: And no, just figured it was time to make ammends.


:lol: Please just leave Kayos to have privacy on the computer.. and go watch um, Torchwood!

EDIT: I see you edited yer post, and well ok thanks for um accepting it?? I think. :p