My attempt at the Sunlight Studios sound


Feb 6, 2004
Northern VA
This is for those of you into Entombed, Grave, Dismember, Carnage, etc., as this is my attempt at getting that type of tone. if you don't like that sound, don't be surprised if you don't like the guitar sound!

I just got a Boss HM-2 on Ebay for $33 so I thought I'd test it out, and I wound up making this clip. This is me on all instruments in my home studio. Guitar is Boss HM-2 into clean channel of 5150. Bass is guitar pitchshifted down. Drums are all acoustic with no sample replacement.

Let me know that you think
Oh yeah, my bad dude - I dig it, it's definitely got the vibe (Edge of Sanity is really the only one of those types of bands I like, so Purgatory Afterglow is my biggest association), and the music rules; did you write this song? I really love the groove of the second riff, and the arpeggiated guitars rule. Great vox too, very fitting! My only complaint is that the guitar needs a lot more highs/presence to cut through; it sounds pretty muffled as of now. I definitely hear the sound in there, as I said, it just needs more cut (try cranking the presence on your 5150 and moving the mic closer to the center of the cone).

And damn, just read again; these are acoustic mic'ed drums? Fucking awesome man! The kick and snare could come up and the main cymbal that you use (I think it's the hi-hat) could go down (though the ride is fine, maybe even a bit soft). How much processing did you do to 'em? You're a man of many talents, it seems :headbang:
Haha thanks a lot man. Yes, I wrote these riffs. In my recorded compositions, I usually write a riff, record it, and then the next riff will just come to me, and I'll record it. I don't typically compose a full song and then record it - it's more of a "compose as I go" thing. I know some people record riffs separately, and I do that, but I take it a step further and compose as I record lol. I'm going to look into this whole "presence" thing ;)

Yeah, the drums are all acoustic. The overheads but have about a 5 dB boost at 15k, and a gradual low-end roll-off which begins at about 800 Hz and is about -6dB at 125 Hz. There's also just a tiny bit of compression (ratio of 8:1, but a pretty high threshold). The toms have a cut at 400 Hz, boost at 160 Hz and 4.6k, and are compressed a bit. The top of the snare has a boost at 3.5k and 100 Hz and compressed 9:1, 1.5 ms attack and 588 ms release. The kick is boosted 6 dB at 60 Hz, 8 dB at 5k, and 9 dB at 8k, with cuts in the mids. The kick also has 15:1 compression with 1.7 ms attack. The kick is the most processed in the kit, but this doesn't seem like A LOT of processing to me. Reverb on toms, snare, and a little on the kick.

Thanks for listening and your comments!
I think the vocals are way too loud but the guitar sound def has the sunlight feel! Try taking the Dist from hm-2 down to 9 o'clock and use more presence and resonance from the amp. yeah and mic closer to the center. The snare and bd should be louder and less cymbals....
This is for those of you into Entombed, Grave, Dismember, Carnage, etc., as this is my attempt at getting that type of tone.
Let me know that you think

You fukn nailed it dude! I love that awful sound. I've tried to get that sound before myself but I had no idea how the hell to do it. I wouldn't really use it much but certain tones inspire certain kinds of riffs...
Thanks guys

I actually bumped up the bass with a EQ in Sonar in my attempt to reach Carnage bassy-ness. Maybe if I took that EQ off it would have more presence.

MetallyGuitarded, I definitely know what you mean. I've written quite a lot of new riffs just because I was using this pedal :p
It sounds really well to me!
How did you mix and mastered it, by using sotware or hardware??
It has a rich colour/tone I can't get with software...
Software only for all plugins, mixing/mastering etc.

I don't have any hardware compressors, equalizers, or anything.

Iirc, the mixing involved software equalizers, gates, compressors, reverb, and then mastering involved EQ (only for a hi-pass at 30 Hz), multiband compression, and limiting