my band Daylight Dies announces our new record

I asked Jens to keep things as natural as he could but I gave him free reign to do what was necessary to make it sound great. I really liked the stuff that he did with Enslaved and that was sort of the ball park I was looking for. We were doing a lot of subtle stuff we hadn't done in the past like using different kick drum beaters for different parts and using a ton of mics and I didn't want those details to get lost. From what I can tell he kept most of what we did which was really cool. Jens did an amazing job and I don't want to downplay it but the mixes sound far more like what we heard in tracking than in the past which was great.
He definitely did do some work on the snare. My engineer Jason, mentioned that he didn't feel like the snare had enough snap but both Jesse and I are so used to his old sensaphonic that we both thought it was fine. My guess is that Jens wanted a sharper top end b/c that's definitely what he augmented. There seems to be some verb as well as some room samples added but the obvious thing to me is how he uses compression to shape all of the drums.

Drums as I remember:
Kick in- e602
Kick out - Charter oak Sa538
Snare Top - Josephson e22s + i5
Snare Side - Josephson c42
Toms 1-4 - e22s
Hats - c42
China - Schoeps CMC6
Ride - CMC6
Close OHs - CMC6
Wide OHs - m149
ST Room - Coles 4038
Mono room - Josephson c617

Does 19 mics sound right Jeff?
More info later.
Thanks for the details. Been waiting for months. Now, that Opeth have chosen to go some different ways, I'm counting on you guys :D
wELL that was kind of the worst preview ever. Like why even post a video like that?? It contained nothing. Checked out your band on other vids. Really good. Sounds like a swedish rippoff of bands like Opeth , Katatotina etc. Sounds good!!!
It's just a teaser which isn't really a concept we invented. Admittedly it's more about old fans than new. I'm sure a full song is coming in the next several months but it's a long way to October and a little soon to tip our hand.
That's right on the drum setup minus kick/snare triggers. Will be interesting to compare the raw tracks to the CD given that info, and the different kick beaters sounds like an awesome idea/explains some of what I was hearing while editing.
wow, awesome work! Recording, mix and the music!
I'm usually not so much into the doomisherish side of things, but I find myself digging this. I guess because it's not your typical doom stuff after all.
Just heard the song, brilliant! Gonna preorder it as soon as I get home from vacation, really looking forward to it. This year for Doom is being killer, Swallow the Sun, Daylight Dies, and now My Dying Bride announced a new album, couldn't get doomier.

...and my band's album is also coming out at the end of year ;-)