My band got a quick review on Metalsucks...

That's awesome, congrats. I just looked it up out of curiosity , I didn't know judgment could be spelled as judgement as well. Learned something new
That's awesome, congrats. I just looked it up out of curiosity , I didn't know judgment could be spelled as judgement as well. Learned something new

of all things, we hear "you guys spelled your name wrong" more often than anything. I don't know why, but when the name came up, aesthetically, I liked the "e" in the middle better than without. For some reason, it looked more symmetrical and balanced, lol. Having the center "e" anchors the logo better for most of the merch! :Spin:
In french it'd be written Jugement (no D), so just say to those who say you spell it wrong that they are retards and that you're way wiser than them, 'cuz everytime someone english speaks a french word, it's supposed to make him/her look more raffiné
i remember bringing that up in high school english class sophomore year. judgement judgment -> apparently firefox spellcheck agrees with him.
When in doubt of spelling, check an English dictionary.

Not one of those funny American ones with the z not s, missing u, missing e and general shortening of words.. ;)

[edit - songs are cool though! I like!]
In french it'd be written Jugement (no D), so just say to those who say you spell it wrong that they are retards and that you're way wiser than them, 'cuz everytime someone english speaks a french word, it's supposed to make him/her look more raffiné

