Some updates on my music stuff

May 6, 2001
Just a quick little thread about my music, coz a few people have been enquiring and some maybe dont look at my signature or the Off Topic section

Ive had my site up for a while, its at:

Theres now 3 songs up...
"Softly" (with slightly better drums than the original version i posted months ago, though little care was taken)
"Think" (a small acoustic version of this song. )

For those that know nothing of my music then give it a go and see what you think. :) I was voted the best composer on the off topic forum a while back for these songs (hehe, not that that means much :p ) so you might like them as well!

Oh and if you signed my guestbook id be so very thankful! :)

For those that already know my music you might be pleased to know ive almost finished writing the album and recording it in this demo quality, and hopefully ill record it properly in the next few months. :)

And for any singers, if you're interested in providing your talents towards this project then let me know. I dont think ill be wanting death vocals, so you'll have to be able to sing with a clean voice.. and vocals will be used only quite sparingly as well. You'll obviously need to have the means to record to a pretty professional standard, and need to write the lyrics and the vocal melodies and such (well, under my directions that is, but i suck at that stuff :p ). You should also be aware that you'd just be hired solely for this album, wouldnt actually join the band or anything (though if all goes well there may be future opportunities, but im not even thinking that far in front). If your still interested after that then just send me a PM or reply to this thread, or in the guestbook or something and ill get back to you.

And dont forget to check out all the other awesome bands we have on this forum, coz if you're not checking them out then you are missing out!!

Originally posted by enigma_nocurnus
I'm interested in applying David Caswell.
I actually live pretty close to you, so getting there in person is no problem.
Let's Hook it up

Follow the application procedure and you will be considered. :p

Come round to my joint, have a few drinks. We'll listen to some Alarum or something, and you can tell me what your idea is, or rather what's the story you're trying to tell with something like softly, or forestall. Fill me in on the concept and I'll get lyrical on your ass!!

No seriousley, if you can tell me what your ideas are, if I have time, and managed to write suitable lyrics, I'll record it in my swanky studio and you will be amazed.
For those that already know my music you might be pleased to know ive almost finished writing the album and recording it in this demo quality, and hopefully ill record it properly in the next few months.

Wow, hurry up. Come on!
But also don't hurry. Take your time.
But get on with it.

So if you've been doing this and will be doing this in the next few months, does this mean that Unthroned are/have been taking a back seat, or are you doing both at once??
Originally posted by rustymetal
Wow, hurry up. Come on!
But also don't hurry. Take your time.
But get on with it.

So if you've been doing this and will be doing this in the next few months, does this mean that Unthroned are/have been taking a back seat, or are you doing both at once??
I am multitasking!

Uh well yeh, unthroned has a lot of stuff to organise that doesnt necessarily involve me, so we'll still be pushing forward, but for a while i may not be putting all my effort into it. I will be on holidays from uni soon, so plenty of time for both. :)

But i should point out that after i get the recording done theres still the whole 'business' side of things, and who knows if ill even be able to afford to get the album out for ages.. but it will be at least recorded within a few months id hope!

Originally posted by enigma_nocurnus
No seriousley, if you can tell me what your ideas are, if I have time, and managed to write suitable lyrics, I'll record it in my swanky studio and you will be amazed.
Do a demo, like all the rest. :p
Originally posted by YaYoGakk
I am multitasking!

Do a demo, like all the rest. :p

That's what I was saying mofo, but I wouldn't really like to attempt it unless I had some sort of idea what you're thoughts are on what each song is about, I mean in the song telling a story sense.
We're in a band together, we live 5 mins away from eachother. This could easily be done. I wasn't taking the piss when I wrote this reply. If I had an idea of what you wanted lyrically. If I felt like what I wrote was good enough, and if you liked it. I reckon I could pull it off. I apply to this in interest because I've always wanted to do some clean singing, and you're solo project is the perfect project to explore something like that. Cause I don't have to worry about playing an instrument, and singing at the same time. Because alas, my brain will not allow me to undertake 2 different things at once that require different control of specific motor skills.