My new song is available!

May 6, 2001
I present to you: David Caswell - Forestall (9.88 MB)
My advice: Once its finished downloading wait until you're alone or theres no distractions, find a comfy seat, relax (preferably in darkness), turn the volume up fairly loud, and for 11 minutes sit back and enjoy the journey. This is how this song is intended... and this is how i listen to this song.


Well, this took a lot of effort..

Wrote the first riff as soon as the last song was done (3.5 weeks ago?).... and continued to write and create for hours every day.. and then 2 weeks ago i began recording, and again spent hours each day.. and finally the finished product is here. And i am so relieved. This seriously took a lot out of me... especially the last few days when i had to record the distortion.. tried mic'ing... sounded shit, so i spent ages getting a mix of guitar sounds and applying different amp-sims and EQ-ing till i got something decent sounding, and im pretty happy with the results! Bass was a bastard to write on sunday night, nothing went right.. but then monday it all flowed well. And drums are programmed in case you didnt know already, but still took a lot of effort to get them perfect.

This one is slightly different than the last.. no idea whether you'll all like it or not, it has different strengths and weaknesses to 'Softly'. 'Forestall' is my first attempt at writing a song to a story, every riff and every sound is carefully chosen and placed and has a particular importance and meaning in the story.. spent agessss thinking about guitar sounds, and 2nd guitar parts, and effects, and etc.. for each different riff, making sure im conveying the right emotions. I'm sure you'll notice how much the sounds change. Some of you may not like this, and some may not like the structure of the song, how it continually changes. But i cant please everyone. :)

hm, same as with 'Softly' this was 100% written by me with no outside help, and everything is played (or programmed in the case of drums) by me.

So i hope you enjoy it... this is almost 4 weeks of my life ive devoted to this song, and a lot of that is because i wanted it to be perfect for you people.. so i hope you appreciate my effort! :)

Any advice is welcome, ive taken a bit of time to listen on 5 different stereos (ranging from computer speakers, to huge $800 speakers!) and think ive got it mixed fairly well but if ive got something obviously too loud/soft/fucked then feel free to say it. And any criticism and negative comments are welcome too... if you dont like the song, or just think Softly is better then dont be scared to say so.. but it'd be nice if you could suggest why that was. Positive comments are definitely welcome, remember im not recieving any payment for any of this so if you get something from this song then telling me so would make it all worth while (either here, or by PM, or email). Even if its just one sentence. :)

I Know what you mean when you say recordings taking much out of you. It's hard work if you ask for me. And it gets annoying in the end. But when you finish it, it will pay the praise
Yeh! I was emotionally drained on tuesday, the song was so close to completion and i just couldnt do that last bit, with your huge songs im sure you have the same problems!!

Ten meg....??

Ah... Compress... Compress!!
Hehe, sorry bout that, Cant compress an 11 minute song much more!!
me downloads :)

i haven't heard Softly yet, i read the thread a while after it was posted, and the file wasn't there anymore? (is it somewhere else for download maybe?)
i did d/l Calm...and i thought it was beautiful :) ;)

64 %...................... :eek:
i haven't heard Softly yet, i read the thread a while after it was posted, and the file wasn't there anymore? (is it somewhere else for download maybe?)
Yeh i only have 10MB webspace, so as soon as one song goes up another goes down! Maybe i should get put on, i must look into how to do that.
i just listened to it, and it is really good! :) :) not trying to suck up either :D, this is really the kind of music i like.

I have a few comments tho ;) :

-the distorted rhythm guitar part sounds "far away" in my opinion... the distortion effect is maybe a bit too soft, and not loud enough. Of course i know u have to make sure it doesn't drown out the other parts.....You said u worked really hard on this sound, and it must be very hard to get a good sound on a home recorded song so i won't be anal about it :D

-the clean parts do sound really good :) and much "closer" compared to the distorted guitar part.... the bass also sounds good.

All riffs are really cool imho, as well as the song structure, and that's what counts. I really liked some of the "unexpected" changes in the would be awesome if you could get it recorded and produced in a real studio :)

/me adds to playlist :)
:headbang: Wow wow wow....Now this is really much better than "softly" atually this is the best song i have heard in a while.....
very cool riffs and the one starting 1:46 is really awsome but the most important thing the song sounds great as a whole......great work!!!
Hey may i ask what you use for recording? like software and stuff?
-the distorted rhythm guitar part sounds "far away" in my opinion... the distortion effect is maybe a bit too soft, and not loud enough. Of course i know u have to make sure it doesn't drown out the other parts.....You said u worked really hard on this sound, and it must be very hard to get a good sound on a home recorded song so i won't be anal about it

-the clean parts do sound really good and much "closer" compared to the distorted guitar part.... the bass also sounds good.
Yep, clean sounds are much easier to record, and the bass i use has active circuitry (or something like that, its a friends' bass)... which gives it a really nice sound... i cant take credit for that though, because i just plug the thing in and hit record!

Wow wow wow....Now this is really much better than "softly" atually this is the best song i have heard in a while.....
very cool riffs and the one starting 1:46 is really awsome but the most important thing the song sounds great as a whole......great work!!!
Hey may i ask what you use for recording? like software and stuff?
:) I think its much better than Softly too, i didnt know if others would agree though, so thats cool!

I use Cooledit for the recording, and Cubase VST for the drum programming..

Thanks everyone who's listened so far! Greatly appreciated!
CoolEdit Pro (which i use) is really dear.. i have a warez version but i will eventually pay for it once i get a job because its such a cool program..
I think there is a Cool Edit 2000 though... and its shareware, obviously doesnt have as many features (2 tracks instead of 64 i think).. but ive never really looked into it so it might be worth trying or it might not..
Man, Yayo, you just keep impressing me... Very nice song... I especially liked the New Age part around the 3/4 mark... All in all, you can tell that there's a story involved... I like that... Any lyrics? Any plans to get vocals or anything like that on there or do you plan to leave it like it is? It's cool as shit either way...

Another question, what equipment do you use? Ie, what Guitar, Effects, etc?
Man, Yayo, you just keep impressing me... Very nice song... I especially liked the New Age part around the 3/4 mark... All in all, you can tell that there's a story involved... I like that... Any lyrics? Any plans to get vocals or anything like that on there or do you plan to leave it like it is? It's cool as shit either way...

Another question, what equipment do you use? Ie, what Guitar, Effects, etc?
No lyrics, i suck at writing lyrics. And yeh there should be vocals to this song. Most importantly there should be a few words whispered at 9:19 and 9:31. And the whole section from 2:00 - 4:00 should have singing, and other parts as well... but i guess you'll just have to use your imagination. And personally id prefer for people to invent there own stories to the music, wouldnt want to inhibit that with my own story. So for the moment this is the finished product, who knows what the future may bring about though!

Guitar: Ibanez Jem 777VBK... very nice guitar.. has a great range of sounds..

Effects: Boss ME-30 multieffects unit.... used it for the distortion as well.. i own a Boss MetalZone which makes 100x better distortion, but i got a better recorded sound from the ME-30

Amp: Well i didnt mic an amp, but all the distorted rhythm is doubled... 1 guitar is going straight from the pedal into my comp... the other is going through the pedal into my amp and then out the FX send (no line out!!) and into the comp.. which only has a small effect but it was useful.. its a 'Hughes and Kettner' Vortex 100W head...
Wow! Really, man, that's a great piece of work. I can tell you put a lot of time into that. You've got a amazing amount of talent!
Thanks! :)

I use CoolEdit Pro for all my mixing too. I record elsewhere but do all the effects and layering here at home.
Now this is what im interested in!! Ive been wondering whether such a thing is possible, when my band eventually records we will have to record in a studio obviously, but if you're saying its possible to then take those recordings and fiddle with them using cool edit then that opens up a lot of possibilities!! Do you still get your stuff mastered by a proffesional after its all done?
Anything you can tell me about this would be very useful
wow great fav part would be starting at around 7:20 through 8 minutes , very opeth do u find the inspiration for songs? i find myself just looking at fretboard and pondering.