As always, thanks to the latest batch of people to respond and give their feedback!
Originally posted by CladInDarkness
I don't know about those noises at the end though, with like the birds and such...
hehe, there is not a single nature effect i could put in a song without at least some disliking it or thinking its cliche.
Originally posted by Xtokalon
the entire song-- its as though it's riding on a single narrow wave of music. So, it would seem, there isn't much creativity and expression going on. it doesn't breathe, or it's a bit long-winded.
Well, imo... Expression there is plenty of, creativity there is little... i think i said it in the first post that i wrote and recorded it very quickly, never did i have the intention of making it an original song or anything mindblowing.. i had something specific i wanted to express and thats what i did.
the most interesting and enduring music is the sort you can't anticipate
But i wasnt trying to be interesting or enduring
Music can be many things, this was a bit of therapy for me, not written with intentions of being a lasting song or anything like that. I COULDNT take long to write record it or it would no longer have been what i set out to make it.
This song was for me, when it turned out alright i decided to let others hear it.
-- or, if not this, there has to be some kind of excuse or context that makes this music a welcome reprieve from the UNusual.
In comparison to all my other songs it is unusual... but yes context is important... its a piece that you listen to when you are in a mood, unlike my other tracks which attempt to take you to the right mood. Im still unsure if this track will make it on the full album, if it does it will be the only track quite like it and i think it could make a very good addition away from the everchanging feel of the other songs.
yayo, I figure after all the praise you'd like some healthful criticism, so I am bringing some. and, we all know, you're capable of greater heights.
I appreciate it! Criticism is a great thing. Im extremely grateful you took the time to give your comments, its much easier to tell what people really think when they are willing to give their criticisms and such.
Originally posted by Xtokalon
Listening to it some more,
I have to say, I like it more. That part in the two-minute range, when you solo, and the guitar kind of "flies" into atmospheric "space", is awesome. and is my favorite part of the track.
It's definitely high quality stuff, and it would make a great sound-track to a song (I'd imagine done in female vocals). There's a subtle intensity about it I missed the first time around. Beautiful!