this music sucks.
na, you know I like it.
but here is some criticism.
the entire song-- its as though it's riding on a single narrow wave of music. So, it would seem, there isn't much creativity and expression going on. it doesn't breathe, or it's a bit long-winded.
also, the changes in texture seem a little too forced and too symetrical, as though everything that happens, all the instruments that come on to accompany or whatever, do so uneventfully. in my experience, the most interesting and enduring music is the sort you can't anticipate -- or, if not this, there has to be some kind of excuse or context that makes this music a welcome reprieve from the UNusual.
you have not provided this context, and the track seems a little thin, though pretty.
yayo, I figure after all the praise you'd like some healthful criticism, so I am bringing some. and, we all know, you're capable of greater heights.
also, I am open to criticism myself. You can criticize my criticism. Maybe I've misperceived something.