My new song is available!

Oh my god, I got cut off the internet. Now I'm really depressed. This is gonna have to wait till I go back to college.
Originally posted by rustymetal
YaYoGakk/David, you should post some sample lyrics here... I mean, you must have once tried writing some so let US decide whether they are good or not. C'mon, post some lyrics...
The song has a story, but it doesnt have lyrics.. i seriously am not good at writing things, the ideas are there but the wording is not. My hardest subject at school was always English, not because i didnt understand things, but because i just couldnt write essays.. so i dont even attempt lyrics nowadays.

If anyone's interested, I just started recording my own first song. I'm following YaYo's advice and playing with distortion sounds... it's just really frustrating. I need beer.
Frustrating is a good word for it, but thats what the whole recording and learning and writing process is like... but stick with it and eventually you'll have something good and you'll realise it was all worth it.

and this song will be up for a fair while yet so no need to rush, itll still be linked to from my signature after this thread dies.

Gakk you make me mad... i was writing this song and recording and then you went out and put this out... i'll just go burn my song and never try again maybe i'll give you the idea's and you can play with them and make them better and record them well heheh... Some of the idea's are good, ask Sullen Jester, he's heard the rough guitar tracks.
If it makes you feel any better i felt the same at many points during the recording of this song. I mean i was listening to Opeth, Vai, Thales, Farmakon, etc etc... they all made me think "whats the point of me trying?". There is always someone better than you, even if you are the best guitarist in the world ever, there would still be people out there who are better in certain areas. But you need to realise your own strengths, and work on your weaknesses (if the particular weakness is important to you). Just remember that while you look at other people and go "wow" they are sitting there thinking "well its not that amazing"... so when you look at yourself and go "im shit" i have no doubt there are other people who will look at you and say "my god, thats great". Stick to it. To become good at recording you need experience, every song you record helps you learn sooo much.. but the only way to learn those things is to go through the process. Experimentation is the key, and as always most experiments will fail, but its the ones that succeed that are important, and your not gonna get to them without the failures.
Originally posted by YaYoGakk
:) That was nice!! :)
But there is no debt, the people on this forum have given me so much... I already owed the people something in return!!!

hehe, Ive tried teaching people before, and im too impatient.. I am, however, more than willing to impart my music knowledge onto those who ask.. primarily if specific questions are asked..

Heh. Then you most definately would not wnat to teach me, because I really really struggle with a guitar.

My hand cannot hold a power chord, or any chord almost, because I can't seem to bend it properly. I can barely get my hand on the fret. I can not bar all strings with my for finger. And I can hardly hold a pick, and I can't do shit.

And this is after more than 6 months of guitar lessons. Though I've pretty much stopped lessons.

Anyway, I'm still listening to your song on repeat.

So how many songs have you got now?

I have 3, Softly, Think and Forestall. Are there any you have missed?

I hope you can get a record deal or something and release an album or something. I love this music.
Originally posted by Kushantaiidan
I can not bar all strings with my fore finger.
And this is after more than 6 months of guitar lessons. Though I've pretty much stopped lessons.

hehe DON'T WORRY! i STILL can't bar all of the strings with my index finger and it's been 5 years! i don't think that's really a neccesary skill... maybe for some types of music but not too many. Not really in Metal :flame:

it'll come... for the first 2 years i played ALL i could do was play power chords (and did heheh... i ventured the metallica/pantera route for 2 years with NO leads or any accoustic stuff AT ALL!)
in your videos, i kinda noticed that your hand position seemed similar to mine. And you always hung around the high notes.

But I still can't do power chords. I dunno, I want to be able to do something that sopunds like something, and not just non sensical plinking, as you can hear in the hammering moss songs that I play in..
I'll try explaining in more detail.

My pinky and ring finger have no trouble sitting on the 4th and 5th strings, and the middle string on the 3rd.

It's the forefiunger that causes the trouble. My wrist is unflexible, and it probably isn't normal. Anyway, when I try to put the forefinger where it's suppossed to go, it does NOT go there..

It presses against the middle finger and won't stretch out. It won't stretch to the fret it needs to go on.

I can't do that, or any bar chords. My 3 middle fingers like to stick together, and won't stretch.
I have an amp, with distortion. I did have my friends pedal, and that's how I did the Guitar Weerw song, and a screwdriver of course.

But yes.. I have an amp. Nothing to shnazzy though.

Aslo, while you are there, I know nothing about all the terms people use with guitars, say when talking about the anatomy of their guitar, or techniques, like sweeps and lotsa other things. I might start a new thread about this though.
Originally posted by Kushantaiidan
So how many songs have you got now?

I have 3, Softly, Think and Forestall. Are there any you have missed?

You missed 'Calm'... that was a small classical piece that i uploaded. Other than that i have about 2hrs worth of my mp3s on my computer, all songs done within the last 1.5 yrs. But most of them are shit in too many areas... theres 1 other song which i will rerecord this week (its only about 1 month old, pretty much all of it is heavy... but it sounds fairly shit atm) and ill allow people to hear that one, but the rest of the songs i wont be showing around... oh except for 1 or 2 of my little 1 minute pieces.. theres still a few of them left that are cool.

I hope you can get a record deal or something and release an album or something. I love this music.
Who knows what may happen, im more interested in writing music than releasing it atm, so i doubt anything will happen but i dunno. Eventually ill be looking to do something with all these tunes.

we have hijacked Yayo's thread muahahah
Hehe, at least it kept this thread at the top of the page!!
But i think its in its dying stages now anyway. Anyone who watned the song would already have it.
Goddamn! That is one kick ass tune dude! I love the way you can blend so many influences into such a great style. I can hear bits of Vai, Opeth, and even Sepultura in there. Unexpected, but I have to say, this is one of the most impressive pieces of music I've heard in quite some time. And I was expecting a Vai wankfest :o ! I can't believe the quality of the music I hear on this forum.

Definitely let us know when you get more tunes up man! \m/
:mad: \m/
Originally posted by Till Fjalls
Goddamn! That is one kick ass tune dude! I love the way you can blend so many influences into such a great style. I can hear bits of Vai, Opeth, and even Sepultura in there. Unexpected, but I have to say, this is one of the most impressive pieces of music I've heard in quite some time. And I was expecting a Vai wankfest :o ! I can't believe the quality of the music I hear on this forum.
hehe, thanks. Ive never liked Sepultura though so dont know where you got that one from!!
Well...this certainly reminds me of opeth...but that is NOT a bad thing at all...especially in your case. I loved this song, ive listened to it several times in the past day...very entertaining and well executed. Id love to have a project like this, however im in a melodic death band (something like arch enemy i suppose), but have a real need to put out stuff like your doing as well. where are you from and living currently?
Wow! I've only listened to this once so far, but I like it a lot. I'm sad I never downloaded any of your other songs.:cry:

Bumblefoot and Kushantaiidan: I eventually worked out the bar chord problem (believe me, with enough practice it can come no matter how impossible it seems) but I still have trouble with power chords because my ring finger seizes up on me all the time. It's extremely frustrating!
kushantaiidan: are u standing up when u are playing??? because at first i couldn't bend my wrist far enough to play standing...maybe u have the same thing.
If so, try playing when sitting down, it may not be very "metal" heheh :p, but i found it much easier to learn it that way. Eventually i had to learn to play standing up for some show at my music school.. and i could actually do it by then, my hands had gotten more used to the guitar.

btw the bar-chords are a pain to learn (literally)'s like fitness training for ya hands, it only improves if u do it A LOT. (but u heard that one before :p ) Don't worry about it if u just started to play......
Originally posted by LordHypnos
Do you have anymore songs i could hear? whether through e-mail, AOL instant messanger or so forth? id love to hear them.
Anything im allowing people to hear will be posted on this board, but most will only appear in my signature coz i dont wanna go making a new thread everytime i make a new song! If you havent heard some of the previous songs then maybe someone else can send them to you.. but i started uploading the files to my webspace to avoid having to send them to everyone coz it takes ages on my slow connection and theres just too many people who want to hear!

Well...this certainly reminds me of opeth...but that is NOT a bad thing at all...especially in your case. I loved this song, ive listened to it several times in the past day...very entertaining and well executed. Id love to have a project like this, however im in a melodic death band (something like arch enemy i suppose), but have a real need to put out stuff like your doing as well. where are you from and living currently?
Thanks, and im from Tasmania, down at the bottom of Australia. And yes solo side projects are good. :)

Wow! I've only listened to this once so far, but I like it a lot. I'm sad I never downloaded any of your other songs.
thanks :)

Bar chords arent a thing you have to learn so much, they are a thing you have to PRACTICE... most of the hardness comes from your finger not being versatile or not hard enough to make all the strings sound...(like how the tips of guitarists fretting fingers are hard, the whole forefinger doesnt get noticeably harder but with time it does a little bit... and not so much effort is needed to make the notes sound).... the only way to get to that stage is to practice practice practice!

At the moment im struggling with tapping, ive always tapped with a pick but now im trying to do it the proper way by using my right hand fingers.. and atm they arent hard enough to make the note clear its just a muffled mess, but i will persist and in time ill be able to get the same sound as if i was fretting the note with my left hand.
Originally posted by LordHypnos
how long have you been playing guitar? and what other instruments do you play? and how long. What are some of your favorite bands and prominant influences?
hmm, lets see... probably been playing guitar for a bit over 10 years now, im 20 yrs old now so about half my life i guess, maybe a bit more though, i honestly cant remember when i started..

I dont play any other instruments really, my guitar knowledge can be transferred over to bass fairly easily, and i have listened and experimented a little bit with it to try and play it like a bass instead of playing it like a guitar... but yeh i only play when i borrow a bass to record, and thats been pretty rare till now (i used to just record the bass parts on a guitar using an pitch shifter). I can mumble out a few songs on piano and can play a badly out of time straight-8 on drums.. but thats where my playing abilities end. I have however spent a long time and a lot of effort studying these instruments as im listening to them, so i can write music for them quite well and appropriately (for a guitarist i mean), i just cant play it.

Influences, since ive played for so long there are many influences on my playing, some which may seem irrelavant today but still have an effect on my playing:
In Flames
the bands i grew up with (Bon Jovi, Motley Crue, Metallica, Megadeth, etc etc... )
Steve Vai
Dire Straits
Faith No More
Tool / A Perfect Circle
Dream Theater
Dimmu Borgir, Emporer, Borknagar, Death, Psycroptic (these ones are fairly new influences, and as such havent made huge appearances, especially not in the songs you people have heard, but they are there)
Lilitu, Autumn Leaves, Thales, Farmakon (also recent influences, but these probably wont have a big lasting effect on songs in the future..)
my friends Luke (Jazz and flamenco and all those cultural guitar styles) and Trent (extreme metal)
Classical stuff (John Williams, etc)

All of the bands/musicians i mention have had an effect, sometimes in small ways, other times in huge ways.. and yes this isnt just a list of my favourite bands, there are a lot of bands left out that simply have had no effect on my writing.
Damn that was a sweet song. I showed my brother your songs and he liked them too.

Well It's too bad that your not going to try and get signed cause I'm sure everyone here would love to buy your albums :) . I'm going to try and record your songs onto cd and hopfully they'll come out good if they do I'll send you a pm if not your going to get some hate mail from me :) .

I wish I could come up with song that good but I'm still trying to learn different styles right now I'm trying to work on finger plucking and some folk music, and still some type of metal. It's pretty hard but hopfully in a few years I'll be comming up with songs as good as yours, hopfully better :) .

Once again that was a sweet song I'll chat at you later