Rainbow Demon
Originally posted by Oyo
I can't wait to get my guitar and start working on music.
Me neither. It's just a matter of time.
Maybe we can jam together and really stink the place up.

Originally posted by Oyo
I can't wait to get my guitar and start working on music.
I dont FIND, it just comes.. im playing guitar one day, improvising and making up a lot of shit as always, and then suddenly i play something taht has an effect on me, or creates an image.. and from there the song writes itself, i have spent the last 2 years learning how to write songs in so many different styles and concentrating on so many different elements of song writing (tempo changes, time signature changes, all acoustic songs, all distorted songs, songs which use only 1 riff, songs which use 10 trillion, 1 minute songs, 10 minute songs, etc,etc ) that when i get an image in my mind i know how to create it.. i have the correct knowledge and tools. The original idea for a song just comes though, i never force it. For example i have no plans of when my next song will be done, it may be tomorrow, it may be in a month, who knows?how do u find the inspiration for songs? i find myself just looking at fretboard and pondering.
Uhhhhh.... ummmm... hang on i think i hear someone calling me.Originally posted by Belial
Would you happen to need an amateur vocalist? Haha!![]()
Originally posted by Oyo
Do you have ICQ, I can send you the webcam vids Analog Kid made me, it's cool, he showed me all the basics in like a 30 minute video. I am ebaying my gun tomorrow, must... get... guitar![]()
Originally posted by YaYoGakk
I present to you: David Caswell - Forestall (9.88 MB)
My advice: Once its finished downloading wait until you're alone or theres no distractions, find a comfy seat, relax (preferably in darkness), turn the volume up fairly loud, and for 11 minutes sit back and enjoy the journey. This is how this song is intended... and this is how i listen to this song.
Well, this took a lot of effort..
Wrote the first riff as soon as the last song was done (3.5 weeks ago?).... and continued to write and create for hours every day.. and then 2 weeks ago i began recording, and again spent hours each day.. and finally the finished product is here. And i am so relieved. This seriously took a lot out of me... especially the last few days when i had to record the distortion.. tried mic'ing... sounded shit, so i spent ages getting a mix of guitar sounds and applying different amp-sims and EQ-ing till i got something decent sounding, and im pretty happy with the results! Bass was a bastard to write on sunday night, nothing went right.. but then monday it all flowed well. And drums are programmed in case you didnt know already, but still took a lot of effort to get them perfect.
This one is slightly different than the last.. no idea whether you'll all like it or not, it has different strengths and weaknesses to 'Softly'. 'Forestall' is my first attempt at writing a song to a story, every riff and every sound is carefully chosen and placed and has a particular importance and meaning in the story.. spent agessss thinking about guitar sounds, and 2nd guitar parts, and effects, and etc.. for each different riff, making sure im conveying the right emotions. I'm sure you'll notice how much the sounds change. Some of you may not like this, and some may not like the structure of the song, how it continually changes. But i cant please everyone.
hm, same as with 'Softly' this was 100% written by me with no outside help, and everything is played (or programmed in the case of drums) by me.
So i hope you enjoy it... this is almost 4 weeks of my life ive devoted to this song, and a lot of that is because i wanted it to be perfect for you people.. so i hope you appreciate my effort!
Any advice is welcome, ive taken a bit of time to listen on 5 different stereos (ranging from computer speakers, to huge $800 speakers!) and think ive got it mixed fairly well but if ive got something obviously too loud/soft/fucked then feel free to say it. And any criticism and negative comments are welcome too... if you dont like the song, or just think Softly is better then dont be scared to say so.. but it'd be nice if you could suggest why that was. Positive comments are definitely welcome, remember im not recieving any payment for any of this so if you get something from this song then telling me so would make it all worth while (either here, or by PM, or email). Even if its just one sentence.
Coming from a Thales man this is highly appreciated!GREAT SONG!!! SWEEEEET!!!
listening it to third time in a row.
I just love you Distortion riffs!!! FECK, they sucked me into!
That section from 3:30 to 4:50 IS PERFECT! (reminds from something, dunno what it is)
hehehe, that whole little segment of rain/ocean was originally envisioned as a series of weird orchestral notes and many different types of singing (just holding notes and doing tribal stuff, and yeh... )... all majorly reverbed, all very distant... to create a dream sequence.. i had huge visions... but due to obvious limitations (ie no orchestra, no choir, no tribe... etc) i had to settle with what was possible, and the rain and ocean just kinda created a similar calm period in the song.. although as you say, cliche.(only that ocean sound is a bit of a cliche, but so what)
Your welcome, and thank you!this is awesome ...thank you
First of all, thanks for the kind words. Second of all, i burnt a cd for a friend the other day and i burnt it straight from the mp3s, one of them was 'think', the same mp3 i put up here a little while ago. And anyway i played it on his great stereo and there were all these HORRIBLE noises! it was unlistenable. That was with the "Fraunhofer-Thomson compression scheme" using the fast codec.... (comes with cooledit). but now ive switched to the alternate codec.. takes a lot longer but i think its better quality, i havent got a chance to really test it on a good stereo yet though. This copy of forestall has some obvious sound quality losses at 128kbit (which you'd notice if you heard the original wav) but i cant hear any major artifacts and elctronic compressed sounds in that was really cool Yayo! I'm in the process of writing/recording a song too, even same kinda style, but mine so far isn't so god hehe I have a few questions... how exactly did you record it? I am interested in recording direct to my PC because my BR-8 has lots of things i don't like too much about it... but anyway details man hehe, i know you use cooledit but i'd like to know what else you use.. do you go direct line in to your PC wit hthe guitar? anyway if you could help me i'd be happy heheh. Also what do you use to compress your MP3's? For some reaon lately it seems like the one i use to encode has some weird kind of high piched digital thing going on and the compression can really be heard. Once again awesome song! good work!
Originally posted by nevershine
Holy Shit!!!![]()
This is very VERY impressive!!!
The song had the Opeth effect for me...
...Just sit and live the song and when it's over
you realize where you are. Sitting in front of the
computer. Then you just have to listen to it again
that you can be in the same wonderful but obscure
place once again. The feeling is amazing. I Think I came.
Originally posted by YaYoGakk
These kinda comments make it all worthwhile
Id hope you had time for Thales, a solo project AND your ambient stuff! Now that would be cool!Originally posted by Orchid
Hmmmmmmm, I want to get the Thales album out quickly so I can have at least some time for a solo project.(not the ambienty-stuff I've been doing)
God! I love the third guitar in the background at about 1:25 or so.
An Amazing song, almost made me cry, I have goose bumps.
Yayogakk, what a wonderful story you have all written us.
There's not much more praise that I can add without repeating others. I can't pick anything on this song.
We are in debt to you for providing such great music.
hehe, Ive tried teaching people before, and im too impatient.. I am, however, more than willing to impart my music knowledge onto those who ask.. primarily if specific questions are asked..BE MY GUITAR TEACHER PLEASE.