My Band Tranquil Sin's First Song... Moongarm

Cool tune bro. You and your band really should learn how to use Adobe Audition or something to make a decent recording. I guess I'm just not k3WLT enough for garage recordings anymore. :<

But yeah, the guitar riffs are pretty killer! Are you guys tuned down to B also?
UGH NEED SPEAKERS, if I go listen to it...I will be late for my second job and I can't :cry:
Must make moneys for Germany! I will when I get home tonight. I promise only working a couple of hours tonight.
sounds cool. I hear the AA touch, but the one thing is it takes a while to go anywhere.
Might want to take a bar or 2 out of the intro. Sounds good though.
This sounds great hun!!! I can hear the AA touch, and I'm impressed with the singer.
Still can't hear the double bass, I'm dying to hear that.
Might want to take a bar or 2 out of the intro. Sounds good though.

I like the long repeating riffs, but then again I'm a huge fan of doom/funeral metal so I guess that explains it.

I like the new song bro! I just wish I could hear the intruments a little better. Like I said before, with all the shit we have on pc's now its so easy to make a great sounding track, which you guys need. From what I can tell the talent is there, but you can just barely make it out. You gotta use a trigger for bass kick or you will never get a good sound for the type of music you guys play, trust me. Double bass on a single bass drum just sounds horrible acoustically.
Fuck that kid can growl! :headbang::headbang::headbang:
This shit keeps getting better! Can't wait to hear it with good recording equipment!

Too bad I moved, I could have been there for your first show :(
Once again new tracks have been put up! Standing in Defiance now with vocals! And a studio recorded version of Moongarm being made TOMORROW!!!!:OMG: Hope you guys like it.

great stuff. With a (more) professional recording this would sound fucking sick.