My Band Tranquil Sin's First Song... Moongarm

Name change = bad call. Tranquil Sin >>> Futilitarian
Sounds good, though. I like how the kick drums are way up there but the other drums sound distant. Where was the mic located?
You know you are doing a good job when the tune comes through as great even though the recording quality is shit. I loved the tracks, good job! Just do better recording. Boost guitars, tone down drums, dampen echo, use editing software.... y'know.
They're live recordings, well everything but the last one. And yeah to be honest the only reason the name change happened... Was cause the new name with that logo fuckin owns.... I came up with Tranquil Sin so I was kinda like "wtf". But ya the drums were good for being live, the guitars :/. It was the venues sound guy doing these recordings, so our singers voice sounds completely different live anyways. But thanks for the comments guys. Much appreciated :D