My Bands Album is finally out: Harpia Deiis - "Collapse"

american post vs. german post ;)

I'm not kidding, ask my wife if you don't believe me

can imagine that pretty good...still amazing that you were the first to get it, I've sent them away all at once, and yours traveled the most and was there first...props to the US Post Service I guess ;)

putting up something big like that needs a lot of perseverance, congragts marco and band! :)
the digipack looks amazing!

listening to rise of blades atm, not my absolute genre but this
is absolutely worth listening. will be checking out the other tracks soon! :)


thanks & you can bet on it...costs a lot of nerves, believe me :lol:

I just listened to your songs and the album sampler in myspace and I have to say that it sounds like you guys did a really good job in all aspects.
I wish you and your band best of luck with your album.

Thanks a lot Kimon :wave:

Now that you mention it, I do have a reputation to uphold, so I must say I'm not a big fan of the cover and band logo :)

Thanks a lot Carlos :loco:

have to say though that I know and am fully aware of that the cover isn't everyones cup of tea....but hey, at least it's got tits ;)
congrats to that, mago!
only had a quick listen, drums sound amazing!
good luck with the album!
I've just listened in bandcamp, awesome music man! congrats, the female vocals are excellent! only one thing i'd change imho is the artwork, honestly, it's giving the album a bad look, i'd take that drawing away and use just the typography in case there's nothing else... just my opinion, don't mean to hurt anyone's feelings, just saying the music is too good for that cover.
I've just listened in bandcamp, awesome music man! congrats, the female vocals are excellent! only one thing i'd change imho is the artwork, honestly, it's giving the album a bad look, i'd take that drawing away and use just the typography in case there's nothing else... just my opinion, don't mean to hurt anyone's feelings, just saying the music is too good for that cover.

I agree. It's my opinion that a lot of people are heavily influenced by the artwork of an album. More people will listen to a song when they see a nice artwork. Maybe even enjoy it more because of it? It wouldn't surprise me.

This is a mistake I've made myself on a demo CD I did a while back. The cover I had didn't really fit the music as much as I thought, it even gave out a black/death metal vibe and I'm sure a lot of people were put off by it and didn't even bother to listen to the music.

Of course if the music is good enough, all of this may not really matter in the long run, but I'm just saying...
Those Songs on Facebook kick ass (and I hate female vocals most of the time)! Will order CD now.
tits with no nipples ;)

and don't blame me for Kimon being Kimon! :lol: I think he would have corrected himself anyway

haha na man no blame at all ;)
I'm glad on every opinion I can get, and you pull out some more of Kimon, which is a great thing :)
and about them nibblz: I handed out copies to my mum, sisters and even my grandma, so I'm glad we went non-nippled :lol:

congrats to that, mago!
only had a quick listen, drums sound amazing!
good luck with the album!

Danke Danny! glad to hear you like the drums

Yay my copy arrived this morning, thanks Marco! :)

haha finally....hurray to the royal post service :lol:

Congrats man!!!


thanks dude

I've just listened in bandcamp, awesome music man! congrats, the female vocals are excellent!
Those Songs on Facebook kick ass (and I hate female vocals most of the time)! Will order CD now.
Thanks gyus, my GF is glad to hear that :)

About the Artwork issue:
As I wrote above, I was aware of the fact that some/a lot of guys may would have problems with the cover. Lot of reactions were love/hate when I first showed it :lol:
I considered letting it very simple clean with only the logo and the title (mostly because of time/deadline issues), but I allready had that picture in mind during making the artwork, and the friend of mine did a kick ass job drawing it, even if it came in a bit late haha. Everyone of the band really likes it, so do I.
The reason why is because I think it's a nice blend between clean and simple with something to look at, without beeinig clutted with stuff.
Usually the stuff I do for artwork fits good to other kind of music (lots of dark stuff with blood...metalcoreish I guess :lol:) + it's anyway hard for me to make a picture to my own music.
But I knew I wanted to go for something different on that one, and I'm glad I did!
And tbh: It looks a LOT better on the hardcopy IMO, I don't like the appearance on screen that much myself, that's why I linked to photos of the physical copies also...still doesnt quite come close, but you can get an idea anyway.

But yeah, for the next stuff that should come I allready decided that I won't do the artwork...maybe I'll do the layouting to save a few $, but right now I'm a bit fed up with the whole product, since it involves a lot of my personal input...makes it more interesting for me too, and an outside view doesnt have the same probs as me giving it a picture...hopefully ;)
or for the next cover we just dress up like steel panther and shoot some fancy pics :lol:

Thanks for sharing your thoughts non the less dudes, I'm not easy to get butthurt and always glad for opinions!
Glad it arrived! Still surprised that Carlos copy was that fast though :lol:
haha nice to hear you like the intro...hope you made it a bit more into the CD though ;)

Yeah that´s amazing. Must be wizards employed by the American post service :lol: However, I´m glad to own a copy.

I love the songs! Production is KICK ASS and the album is full of great moments. It´s not boring for one second. Drums sounds virtually real, it´s difficult to recognize, it´s not. Awesome work! What did you use for the drums?
Also kudos for the lead guitars :kickass:

Edit: Ahhh Kudos for all!! ;)
Yeah that´s amazing. Must be wizards employed by the American post service :lol: However, I´m glad to own a copy.

I love the songs! Production is KICK ASS and the album is full of great moments. It´s not boring for one second. Drums sounds virtually real, it´s difficult to recognize, it´s not. Awesome work! What did you use for the drums?
Also kudos for the lead guitars :kickass:

Edit: Ahhh Kudos for all!! ;)

Thanks dude! Was hoping that there are no weak points coming up throughout the album...hard to tell by yourself ;)

Yeah the drums...PITA big time :lol:
In septermber 2009 we recorded the drums (thats were the videos are from on on the youtube page) in our drummers basement. We've allready did that 2 times before, and it let to surprisingly decent results (at the least the 2nd time around lol) considering the knowledge we had about I thought "well, just do it again that way and it willl work".
last famous words.
I dunno what went wrong, but it sounded worst then the last recordings we did, were I didnt read through Glenns drum guide before...was quite a kick in the nuts tbh haha
but looking at it aftwards: no new skins, shitty room, cheap hardware and cymbals and the micset also wasnt really great at its not a surprise it went that way.

Anyway, since it sounded worst then the noobish recordings I decided to programm overheads and toms, and the miced kick and snare tracks as triggers.

So Overheads are SD2.0 MF...pretty much everything done by hand here (programming and humanizing), although I discovered I time saving way to also get good results in humanizing midi drums fast

Toms are SD2 avatar kit...liked those more for that. uncoated ones I think

Kick is a blend of Slate and LSD Drums. I think kick 5 and 10 for low punch and mid beef, and rarefaction kick for the smack...or maybe it was kick 15, I always mix them up
Built that kick in a different session, cause I didn't have trigger back then, so a lot of differnt EQ and levels going on on the single kicks. Still build kicks that way sometimes if the project needs it...but trigger is awesome to try out different blends in general, and sometimes it works without beeing that frankensteiny.

Snare is a blend of a tweaked SD2 MF snare (used the bleed preset as starting point, the overheads as well btw) slate custom snare and the Infection signature LSD snare.

thanks about the leads...most melody guitars are played by me, but I only have 2 or 3 soli on the album, the rest is done by the other player who kicks my ass at playing solo :D he always gets kudo from me too, especially when striking a steel panther pose during rehearsals :lol:

Wow awesome, Marco! :worship: Thanks for the information. This is truely appreciated!

It´s interesting how different ways can lead to good results (in your case perfect result), especially when talking about drums. Example, for "The world has moved..." I used a method, exactly the opposite way. I programmed the kick and the snare and used real played cymbals as overdub. It´s working and don´t sound programmed or generetic at all. Drums sounds alive.

I can´t wait getting new gear for drum recording, your work is very inspiring!
Wow. Amazing music and good mix! And the cover art? When I saw it I just thought "This can't be good". I'm glad that looks can deceive. :D
Wow awesome, Marco! :worship: Thanks for the information. This is truely appreciated!

It´s interesting how different ways can lead to good results (in your case perfect result), especially when talking about drums. Example, for "The world has moved..." I used a method, exactly the opposite way. I programmed the kick and the snare and used real played cymbals as overdub. It´s working and don´t sound programmed or generetic at all. Drums sounds alive.

I can´t wait getting new gear for drum recording, your work is very inspiring!

No problem Felix, hope it helps!

The way you did it on "the world has moved again" also seems very reasonable to me! I thought about doing so (only retracking overheads at least) but our drummer said it sounds better this way anyway, and he only upgraded his drumset like only recently (1.5 years after the drum recordings) so it wasnt really an option back then.
Wouldn't have thought that kick and snare are programmed on the world has moved again, I only thought you used different samples/verb on that one :rock:
Whenever we'll be recording something new, whatever that will be, it will have as much real drums as possible. So we either hit a studio for drums, or I'll rent/borrow as much gear and a good room as possible (having some great possibilties now that I didnt have back then).
Thanks for the inspiring part, really means a lot to me, especially because I know that you're not in the music-making-mood right now, so if some of my stuff can pull you out it's great!

Wow. Amazing music and good mix! And the cover art? When I saw it I just thought "This can't be good". I'm glad that looks can deceive. :D

haha thanks!
From my personal experience artwork I didn't like didn't make me hessitate to check something out, but I have allready listened to some stuff only because I thought it had killer artwork...didn't always end up liking what I discovered though, so you never know ;)