my bands demo, feedback would be appreciated

Sorry dude, but I didn't really like it. My opinion doesn't amount to much, I don't really like thrash :p Did you record each song in one take? Cool riffs at times.
yeah i know about the self promotion forum but no one goes there so i know i'm not gunna get any feedback from there, if you don't want to listen thats fine, i wouldn't want to listen to some random band either most of the time. also @ altitudes, yeah we recorded it at school in the video production room so it was completely live, we just miced every instrument. it was nice because it was free and we got to miss a lame diversity assembly to play metal at school.
yeah thats what we're hoping, we've rented out a good studio for 2 days pretty much so we can get a 6 song ep done and make something a lot more professional haha
Wow, having money rules, :lol: We're recording atm, but only thing we can afford is a friend of us with his home studio squeezed into our rehearshal place, :lol: It's not sounding that bad, so I may upload it when is finished, if the solos are not crap and the singer manages to pull off decent vocals, :lol:
Singing sucks fucking horribly. He sounds like he just struggle to talk.
The style isn't anything new really anything new. Drug Justice is probably the best of the three.

yeah no one seems to like his vocals really anywhere we've posted it, we're gunna have to think about that, but thanks for the feedback!
yeah no one seems to like his vocals really anywhere we've posted it, we're gunna have to think about that, but thanks for the feedback!

Yeah, vocals is definitely the biggest problem. Improving that would be a huge benefit to your band. After that you guys just got to work on a very unique sound. Not that it sucks, but it just needs to be unique and not sound like a combo of sepultura and slayer or w/e.
Yeah, vocals is definitely the biggest problem. Improving that would be a huge benefit to your band. After that you guys just got to work on a very unique sound. Not that it sucks, but it just needs to be unique and not sound like a combo of sepultura and slayer or w/e.

yeah we're not exactly the most unique band in the world, but we just play whatever comes out and write whatever comes out, plus we mostly just listen to thrash and other stuff. trying to be similar or trying to be different for the sake of it like a lot of the bands rehashing the 80s are doing isn't what we want to do, maybe in the future our sound will change, who knows. thanks for the feedback though.
yeah we're not exactly the most unique band in the world, but we just play whatever comes out and write whatever comes out, plus we mostly just listen to thrash and other stuff. trying to be similar or trying to be different for the sake of it like a lot of the bands rehashing the 80s are doing isn't what we want to do, maybe in the future our sound will change, who knows. thanks for the feedback though.

Yep, a good way to develop a unique sound is listen to a shitload of different kind of metal. Even different styles like techno, jazz, classical and etc would be good influence for developing a unique sound.
I like it because I like Old School thrash. It's not unique at all to be honest, but it sounds like good live music.

The vocals need work, but you should give him a chance before you think about replacement. One can hear that he knows nothing about right breathing technique and how to use a mic properly. That can get better.
I remember that the vocalist of a band ("Insane.Penetrating Disturbance") I was a session member for some gigs sounded similar when he began. And his voice became much cooler throughout time: