my bands demo, feedback would be appreciated


Jun 27, 2004
so my band just finished mixing its demo and i know people hate spamming but if anyone could give some feedback on how it turned out, we'd really appreciate it. the quality isn't great because we recorded it live in the video production room thing at school but we're going into the studio in a few weeks to record our ep so we'll have something real then. but if anyone could give some feedback or criticism on the demo we'd really appreciate it.
or if you don't want to download you could listen to the songs on our myspace
the songs are world plague, fbi and drug justice.
yeah downloaded the file and fucking lost it, fuck vista. i it won't even find it in search and myspace won't load up correctly so ill have to check it out some other day when im not stressed.
thanks, so far we've got mostly positive comments except from people who don't like thrash which is pretty cool and surprising, if anyone has criticisms though besides the production thats welcome too.
yes, catchy riffs

But you need to fire the vocalist asap.

other then that sounds good

yeah thats one of the major complaints a lot of people have, when we play live it seems to fit with the music but we always seem to have a problem with his vocals coming off as well on recording, its weird.
Yes, the singing seems like random talking over the music at times. Also his voice isn't that powerful. He should really work on vocal lines, even if they just follow the guitar riffs. It would be a start.

Besides that, I really like some of your riffs. But you should work on the arrangements and the flow of the song. Try to set some highlights in the songs, create tension. Use breaks more carefully, not only to as a tool to fit random riffs in there. That makes the difference between "a couple of cool riffs" and a good song.

You're on a good way! Props for keeping Thrash alive! :headbang:
I really dig the riffage. The common complaint seems to be the vocals, need to change the technique, timing etc.
yeh singer dude needs to accept that hes a 16 year old skinny pipsqueak, quit trying to sound like he has a deep voice, and fuckin YELL like hes got a pair. geez.