My band's EP out now on TORN FLESH RECORDS netlabel


Jun 6, 2007
I'm proud to inform you that our latest EP "Opetani Okrucienstwem" is out now on TORN FLESH RECORDS netlabel.

Check it out! \m/ It's available for free...

Some reviews:

"This is hugely ambitious, sprawling blackened death metal sang (I think) in Polish that owes more than a nod or two to the aforementioned Behemoth, but is none the worse for it. The huge sound, impressive production and that guitar noise propel ESCAPE FROM into the realms of professional metal and firmly away from the realms of demo-level death metal. (...) An excellent EP then, with virtually no draw backs what so ever."

"The overall energy is brutality, speed, mosh and groove, growl and screams. This is a positive step for the band as they develop their songs, craft and direction. They sound like have no shortage of energy so far."

"ESCAPE FROM is a band with high possibilities to get signed quite soon, they know what they do, how to do it and the overall sound production is very brutal but clear, so do not hesitate a second, get in touch with these dudes and get a hold of this EP that is simply awesome, who knows, maybe in the future that’s going to be a collector’s item."

"One thing that attracts the ears is the fact that ESCAPE FROM sounds very professional and this demo underlines the qualities of the band. (...) If ESCAPE FROM keep up the good work they might just become the next best thing out of Poland."

"Their style comes from the old roots of the Polish scene reminding bands like Vader, Behemoth and Decapitated but not in the “copy-paste” mode but intercepting their own character in music. Many blastbeats, lightning-speed guitar riffs, guttural vocals and some black metal elements go in the mix, in order to make ESCAPE FROM a unique project."

"(...) they have a great sound and I can see great potential for them to rise quickly amongst the ranks of some Polish giants."
Thanks for your input, dudes! :)
As for net labels - they don't pay for anything and don't earn any money... they just help us to promote our stuff. That's it. All stuff released by them is free and can be freely distributed. Our EP was free to download for more than a year now but they contacted us last month and asked if they could release it on TFR, we agreed because any help is invaluable for us :)

BTW, here's a video from our rehearsal. It's a preview of a new song for our debut album. Any opinions would be much appreciated :wave:

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