My bands new single, give a listen and a critique

Ok, I'll just say I'm not completley happy with the low end,seems to muddy the mix a bit
And the clean vocals seem a bit distant or something, I'm going to try messing with the EQ this weekend
Please feel free to give advice I'm all about it,I know this is my first post but I have learned a ton from this forum and appreciate it very much
Good job dude. My only concern with the clean vocals would be more so tuning related. They need a little work IMO. The mix overall is pretty good though dude :)
Something sounds weird about this kick, maybe the click frequency needs some finetuning, maybe it just needs some volume automation to make it fit better into the mix at parts like 2:48.
Thats just my particular taste, if you see nothing wrong with it then, by all means, keep it :)
The high hat is really loud and something about the high end is really ear piercing. Everything else sounds pretty good but overall feels like it has a blanket over it.

As far as the song...there are like 10,000 bands with this same sound. Try doing something more unique.
Ich666 yeah I am working on that kick, still can't put my finger on just what it is yet but I'm working it ans I'll post a new mix.
Mike Moriarty I'll look into the high end and yes the blanket over it is what I am talking about as far as the lows