My Bathory conversation with Nemtheanga..

Ellestin said:
Zod, I used to dislike Bathory as I first got into metal (not hate it, just... meh you know), then I acknowledged what Quorthon meant to many of my favourite bands, which helped me kind of seize the "magic", even though I'll still listen to any Primordial album more often than "Twilight of the Gods". Anyway you probably know than Alan's favourite band is Manowar :p

I have to say, driving recklessly through lower Manhattan @ midnight with Nemtheanga riding shotgun, with Manowar playing AS LOUD AS MY FUCKEN STEREO WOULD GO, hearing him belt out "Black Wind Fire & Steel" is a memory I will not soon forget.

unhinged said:
he's pretty big on nuerosis these days, I tried to get him into today is the day but it wasn't happening :grin:

MASSIVELY big on Neurosis.

Oh yeah Paul, he says, and I quote: "tell that fucker to wash hisself" :lol:

He also says Isis Panopticon is the best album released in the past 10 years. He loved Gojira when I played it for him today too.
MadeInNewJersey said:
I have to say, driving recklessly through lower Manhattan @ midnight with Nemtheanga riding shotgun, with Manowar playing AS LOUD AS MY FUCKEN STEREO WOULD GO, hearing him belt out "Black Wind Fire & Steel" is a memory I will not soon forget.
Very cool. Where are you with quiting smoking?

MadeInNewJersey said:
He also says Isis Panopticon is the best album released in the past 10 years. He loved Gojira when I played it for him today too.

Wow, that is incredibly cool. Four albums that I SERIOUSLY think have stolen the show in the last several years:

Gojira - From Mars
Hammers - August Engine
Orphaned Land - Mabool
Isis - Panopticon

I have a feeling this isn't the last we've heard/seen of Noriega. :loco:
WHAT? That wasn't in any particular order!!!

EDIT: And I haven't even spent months with Gojira yet. Just something about it that hit me first time, something fucken intense. Zod knows what I'm talking about.
MadeInNewJersey said:
I have to say, driving recklessly through lower Manhattan @ midnight with Nemtheanga riding shotgun, with Manowar playing AS LOUD AS MY FUCKEN STEREO WOULD GO, hearing him belt out "Black Wind Fire & Steel" is a memory I will not soon forget.


now see ... right there ... that is the coolest story from the last 2 weekends combined.

I want Tom Araya singing Hell Awaits in my MINI :waah: :yell: :yow: :lol:
JayKeeley said:
WHAT? That wasn't in any particular order!!!

EDIT: And I haven't even spent months with Gojira yet. Just something about it that hit me first time, something fucken intense. Zod knows what I'm talking about.

Did you hear Remembrance off of The Link yet ??? ... mother of all fucking heavy songs ... Jesus ...
Damn, this has gone from an obscurity (which it still qualifies as, given its disappearance from metal retailers) from being mentioned in the same reverent tones as Panopticon and August Engine and Mabool...yet what I've heard from them (first two included) doesn't sound nearly as innovative as those three, though it is criminally kickass enough to make up for it.
Demonspell said:
Damn, this has gone from an obscurity (which it still qualifies as, given its disappearance from metal retailers) from being mentioned in the same reverent tones as Panopticon and August Engine and Mabool...yet what I've heard from them (first two included) doesn't sound nearly as innovative as those three, though it is criminally kickass enough to make up for it.

I think for me, I was 99% certain I was going to HATE Gojira. Stupid band name, nate and NAD recommending know, it was all geared up for failure. :tickled:

Then I heard oh man, talk about being blown away. So yeah, there's a good chance that I might be on a high from it being so goddamn surprisingly good but only time will tell I guess.
JayKeeley said:
Wow, that is incredibly cool. Four albums that I SERIOUSLY think have stolen the show in the last several years:

Gojira - From Mars
Hammers - August Engine
Orphaned Land - Mabool
Isis - Panopticon

I have a feeling this isn't the last we've heard/seen of Noriega. :loco:

I friggin' *love* Panopticon...
truth is I haven't given panopticon much time, I was pretty bored by Oceanic
isis will always be a very distant second to neurosis for me
I've preferred the old man gloom output
Isis version of streetcleaner fuckin rips though
JayKeeley said:
Then I heard oh man, talk about being blown away. So yeah, there's a good chance that I might be on a high from it being so goddamn surprisingly good but only time will tell I guess.
It's one of those CDs where you're half way through Track 3 and thinking, "I'm buying this." A definite recommendation for any fan of Isis.

General Zod said:
A definite recommendation for any fan of Isis.

I don't understand this recurring comparison . I mean what do they have in common ?

Both Ellestin and me aren't the last Isis addicts (When the new album comes out I think it'll be safe to say that Oceanic - Panopticon - ??? = the greatest trilogy of the last 10 years) and we don't really like this band.
I can't quite put my finger on it, but I'd definitely see where a fan of Isis (or Neurosis, or Cult of Luna, or Mastodon, etc.) would be a fan of Gojira.

Strangely enough, I'm not a fan of any of those bands really, and I'm blown away by Gojira. VERY diverse album IMO, just so many fucken cool things going on.