My Bathory conversation with Nemtheanga..

Riffs, melodic patterns, emotions aroused, lyrical themes, artwork , attitude , live shows , audience etc..etc ..It's the strangest comparison ever :loco: (help needed, oompas)

I see, though, what could make you link the two.. but attend shows of both bands and you'd certainly revise part of your statement.Totally worlds apart to me .
From Mars, August Engine, Mabool, and Panopticon transcend genre labels which therefore makes them pretty f'ing cool in my book. They're all milestones if you will.
Ellestin said:
You forgot "Weiland", just meant to tell you.

Oh there's a bunch more I'm sure, for some reason I was only thinking of recent releases from, say, this decade. "Songs of Moors..." I'd throw in before "Weiland" anyway -- just.

Is "Songs..." a true milestone though? Hmm, you can attribute much of it to Ulver I suppose. "Bergtatt" on the other hand....
Mark - are they sticking with Metal Blade or was it a one album deal? Also, you'd think Metal Blade would help support Primordial with touring etc....but they seem to be so fucken wrapped up with Black Dhalia Murder and all that screaming shit.
JayKeeley said:
Also, you'd think Metal Blade would help support Primordial with touring etc...

Actually that's what I was looking forward to... A headlining or at least a good support Euro tour for "The Gathering Wilderness"... I was surprised and bitterly disappointed when they would "only" play "minor" fests.
That's Metal Blade for you. They've got some really good metal artists too: Amon Amarth, Bolt Thrower, King Diamond, and Primordial.

Those four should do a world tour, sponsored 100% by their label.
Primordial IS doing a 12-show tour of Germany, Netherlands & Belgium, with Moonsorrow & Mourning Beloveth. No idea if Metal Blade is involved in that at all.

According to Nemtheanga, they went with Metal Blade for obvious financial reasons, but also because Primordial really stands out amongst the sea of crap (bands just mentioned by JayK excepted, of course).
they also allowed them a design budget (not as much as youd think) which is why I did the new one and the cover of storm before calm is crap :lol:

hammerheart just wasted the potential of that band

i couldn't comment on the metal blade situation but its pretty obvious theyve got the muscle
unhinged said:
they also allowed them a design budget (not as much as youd think) which is why I did the new one and the cover of storm before calm is crap :lol:

Yeah that cover of SBC is a complete abomination. :ill:

Gotta say, I love your work for TGW especially for the digipak layout. :kickass:
so waht are labels good for anymore if they don't even get bands out on the road?
I swear the whole music industry is so goddamn antiquated ... and really needs a reality check kick in the ass.
Don't speak too hastily...something's in the works for a Primordial U.S. tour (just talking stages, don't get nuts) that would put multiple Metal Blade bands on the tour, so the label'd definitely be involved with that one...
lurch70 said:
so waht are labels good for anymore if they don't even get bands out on the road?
I swear the whole music industry is so goddamn antiquated ... and really needs a reality check kick in the ass.

They're firmly entrenched in an outmoded way of business, that much is for what benefit signing to a less than ideal label might have in cases like Primordial, tour support and greater recording budgets have alreadt been mentioned and the distribution obviously gets a boost, but even that is less important than it once was due to the net...