My best 5150 tone. Pissed. off. \m/(>_<)\m/

Agreed. Goes to show this Sturgiscore sound can work quite well with real amps.

Any pics of your live room around, and how you went about dialing/mic'ing the amp? For curiosity's sake if anything.
All you need to do now is convert to real drums (augmented most likely, but it makes all the difference :D) and you'll be set! You already started off with that mix where you used the real snare and that sounded far better than any of your slatey stuff.
All you need to do now is convert to real drums (augmented most likely, but it makes all the difference :D) and you'll be set! You already started off with that mix where you used the real snare and that sounded far better than any of your slatey stuff.

I think he use his own samples on this mix too ;P
Fuck yeah, that's what I'm talking about! Details bro, details! =D

Infinitely better than the XT tones... adds so much.
wow, this is pretty crushing, i don't think i can pick out anything bad from this mix!

just another reason in my list of "why i hate brianhood" ;)

Here are some pics dudes.

The Chain was 7 string guitar(i forget which one) with emg 707> digi 003 DI > Radial Pro RMP reamp box> Maxon 0D 808>5150>mesa cab>1 sm57>API A2D>EQ with very slight mid scoop and low pass>C4

My live room


home made sound panels with rockwool


Those are the settings i used



I had the cab surrounded by the rockwool panels, but i haven't gotten a chance to try that mic position with those settings without the cab surrounded with panels