My newest mix. MAXIMUM PISSED(ness?)

it sounds really good, but it has that strange phaseyness i hear with quad tracking and hate.. :| what does this sound like non quad tracked?

it's absolutely massive though, and there are so many things i love about this mix! i wish i had a 5150.. :(

fucking good job, as usual.

not keen on the 2 tape stops right next to each other, too.. aha


This sounds HUGE! I am really curious about what you used for drums. Those tom fills sound like they were sent from the gods. Could you give us a run down of the equipment used on this? As far as drums, vocal mic, and that bass..... what the hell did you use on that bass? You are def one of the better engineers on this forum. Props!
I'd raise the drums up a little bit, also the guitars have some fizzy sound in the treble which you can hear quite good when the play without the drums but further I really like this.
you are quite correct. I usually bypass it on the parts where the guitars are playing by themselves in the song, but i must have missed it in this song.

Yeah, it does the same thing for me... it's a quick way to get everything more shimmering/clear/aggressive, but you can really hear the harshness it causes when certain things are solo'd.

I've been trying to get by without using it exactly because of that reason.
Yeah, it does the same thing for me... it's a quick way to get everything more shimmering/clear/aggressive, but you can really hear the harshness it causes when certain things are solo'd.

I've been trying to get by without using it exactly because of that reason.

yeah i've cut back on it quite a bit since i first started using it. My problem is that when i compare my stuff to mixes i like, my stuff always seems darker to me.