My best 5150 tone. Pissed. off. \m/(>_<)\m/

Nice. Those are some pretty intense low-end settings there. I think this entire room would flub out if i got anywhere close to that, haha. What I would give to be able to open the head up to '3' Post Gain though...

Actually scratch that. I just put the casters back on the cab and the head takes max bass and resonance easily. Go figure... that's some mighty decoupling. GG Mesa.
Thanks for posting a pic of the 5150 settings, I recently got a 6505 and have been messing around alot with it trying to find different tones and it always helps to see what other people are doing.

Tone sounds great, in fact the whole mix sounds really cool. Not even close to my cup of tea though, but whatever. Great stuff!
Absolutely loving the tone man, great work!

Can I recommend rotating the cab or putting it on a cinder block or something to get it up off the ground further, or at least get the mic away? I find I usually get some reflections from the floor with the mic that low, which tends to muddy things up a bit.

"I have become.." part really reminds me of Whitechapel.

AMAZING mix man.

I'm not a guitarist and I can't wait to get my hands on a 5150.
Really like the guitar sound.... but, hate to ask, where's the bass?

buried behind the guitar. There are a few reasons for this.

1. This isn't the actual final mix for the band. This is a reamp of a band i recorded last year. I bumped up the volume of the guitar a pretty good bit from the "final mix" just so they could be the main focus.

2. The bass was tracked through a maxon od808 through a sans amp for tons of distortion. This takes a lot of the bass away, which makes it hard to have the low end of the bass in the mix.

3. I still dont have the bass quite figured out in my new control room. Bass is way louder in here than at my old place, so i end up mixing it too low if i'm not careful

The worst part is that because of the way the doors and windows are positioned in this room, there is only 1 corner i can put bass traps.