My 'best' mix just went up on YT


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Thought I might as well post this here. Felt it held up decently well under the brutalization that YT compression does to audio.

Haven't had much more radio rock clientele since we wrapped this - which has been kinda disappointing.
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Sure you wanna mix radio rock? Mix is brutal, congratulations! I love how your stuff sounds, please get into technical death metal so that most of the stuff I listen to is mixed by you :D
Sounds so huge and good. Hope you get more clients along these lines, you could really make their music shine.
Sure you wanna mix radio rock?

Absolutely. Don't get me wrong, I love metal (some of it), but most of the work ends up resulting in finding ways to increase separation and keeping it all together at really fast tempos or low tunings.

With rock/pop/song-oriented material there is an ebb and flow to the structure which I can help enhance with the mix. The track you heard up there is automated to high hell, and I love feeling that my mix is part of the performance. It feels a lot more interactive than the average metal mix does.

So yeah, absolutely, I'd love to shift over to doing more material like this!
Very cool !!

How much of the drum sound is real drums and how much is samples?

Toms and overheads are real. Snare is somewhat real, and I think kick I replaced 100% because the original was quite poxy. Toms sounded cool though!

@jangoux: The synths were done by the artist, so I wouldn't know. Just mixed them using all sorts of spacing/doubling/whatever effects.

Thanks for listening!
Always thought Hybrid Theory was a great sounding record, so good choice on reference there.