
Damn Christians!
Aug 15, 2006
Boyton, WPB, FL
He was invited by the "cool kids" to hang out at some kids house whose liberal parents had left for the weekend.

My brother, always a moral and thoughtful individual, wanted to attend because it was one of those massive house parties that he'd never been to.

Well, as was later recalled by some of his friends at the party, he was pressured into smoking marijuana. He ended up smoking the entire pack of marijuana cigarettes.

Not long after he went into convulsions and started foaming at the mouth. The people at the party held back calling 9/11 for almost 10 minutes.

When the paramedics finally arrived they could do nothing to save him.

The autopsy revealed he had 3 times the lethal dosage of blood in his THC. :zombie:

But I'm sure everyone here will deny my story and the fact that my brother died after smoking that illegal narcotic.


Anyways, this is in celebration of the fact that I finally got some! :loco:
Sucks man, drugs are so bad. They should ban everything regardless of the criminal consequences that will occur when people are fed up with their shitty little lives and just want to get stoned/off their faces. Yeah.
SN are you high?

Did you really wrote that or is it a copy of an article or something?:err:

I'm getting confused here
I think i saw those facts on manswers one its physically impossible because A) i know after a a few blunts my lungs start to die out on me and i cough after every hit and B) who the hell has that kind of money waste on 260 lbs
lololololololololololololol, both at the OP and the people who don't realize what an obvious tongue-in-cheek "piss-take" (to use that delightful colloquialism from our english-speaking neighbors across the pond :D) of all those anti-drug and anti-partying ads (all rolled into one) this is :lol: Definitely got a kick out of "3 times the normal limit of blood in his THC" :D (as well as "held back calling 9/11 for almost 10 minutes" :lol: )