my coworker is a total downer.


Aug 2, 2002
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actually, he's just a volunteer but he's here 3 days a week. i have been here for what, 1/2 an hour maybe? and so far he's told me:

1) he's never been this sick in his life. (and detailed the symptoms)
2) he hates the heat and it's going to last forever.
3) his shoes are uncomfortable.
4) he doesn't want to deal with the clients today.
5) he went to a really boring movie last night and wasted his money.
6) he never gets a seat on the subway.

here i am trying to look on the bright side and i work with darth vader.

if it were up to me i'd send him to a shrink or something (i mean, i go to one, why not?) but it's not up to me. and he does a ton of work so i guess that's why they keep him around. but i cringe in the morning when i can hear him walking over to my desk.
i dont think of you as a complainer nick because you still always have nice things to say about people. you're a realist, rather.
i'll take those comments, thank you!

i'm encompassing the thoughts of my close friend (nick) as well, and i would say he is a realist with decrepitating tendencies (especially as he gets older), and putting the two of us together, you'd probably want to throw flying guillotines at our heads.

avi, i have a good guess at what tiger army is.

i wish i had an answer to the initial problem, because i really don't think there is an easy one.
the nick 13 I know (on the left):
yea i need to know too. because like, the latin king dudes do that when they've killed people and i just dont see hardcore kids with guns and stuff. what gives?