My Drummer Is quiting!!


Sep 27, 2010
Alright the title says it all, my fucking drummers quitting. Everyone in the band hates him because he's impossible to work with. But beyond that he's one of the best drummers I know personally. He's always trying to cheat the band out of money and now that he's quitting he wants to keep his Cymbals that we just liquidated our account to refurnish. Question: Should I break his knee caps :flame: and take the symbols, or just let it ride and try and be a professional?
Well, they´re his cymbals. He can´t "return the refurnish service" back to you while keeping the crap cymbals to himself, so there´s really no choice. Bad call of you and your band investing on equipment of a douchebag.
By refurnish I mean, refitted his kit with Cymbals because we were suppose to be recording our EP this weekend. He's really hard on the cymbals and breaks about one a month.
My drummer is quitting because we're not christian...pentagrams would be out of the question. And he's afraid that his hog-of-a-wife is going to cheat on him while he's @ practice. Which I think is funny! Next question: Should I hire Manwhore to sleep with his wifey?
Good Idea but he already has the cymbals, he premeditated this and got them after our last gig. But he does work during the day.
Lyle Cooper can do session drums for your EP :) (check my sig)

Also, I agree completely with Jeff, if he didn't pay for them, they are not his to keep.
repossess all the cymbals and ram a splash up his fat wifes cunt via your that everytime he fucks the fat slobbering whore he is reminded via the *ding* when he cums and hits the cymbal that he left the band because the rest of the band didnt believe in the fairytale that he did.....what a cockmuncher