my coworker reads one zizek book and thinks he has his finger on the pulse of america

i know.
you know how someone gets really really into a book and then like, just applies it to EVERYTHING? and like, he is doing that. and i am like thinking... sure zizek like was interesting but i dont see the whole office self mutilating right now....
well, i haven't finished, but so far zizek hasn't introduced any new ideas. i have been applying the whole "pursuit of the Real" concept to a lot of crap regarding the war(s), but i read that in walker percy first, not Zizek.

i guess a good book is one you can generalize and get a lot of meaning out of. i dunno if the zizek is that book yet.
i mean, i'm sure out of the what.... 55 books the dude has written, there's some substantial 'pull together' of ideas that he has that maybe other people didn't systematically integrate the way that he did but yea... sometimes it's hard to tell if he's reiterating, or if maybe we read him too late?
well, so far he seems to be a very articulate philosophy grad student who fucking LOVES using conventions like parens [such as (trans)actions]. we shall see when i get deeper.
my coworkers say 'hey did you see that show...' and my eyes glaze over b/c i know i'm totally left out of the conversation. although i have to admit they have intelligent conversations about tv shows for the most part. however, they had a huge betting pool for the oscars and it escalated to violence.