My discourse on Vehemence


I rule at everything
Oct 28, 2002
Queensland, Australia
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Sup people, I was just listening to some Vehemence and felt the urge to have a bit of a rant on why they're just so fucken awesome.

There is something about your music that is deeply affecting, and to be honest something I have never quite experienced with any other music. I Think it must have something to do with the huge amount of emotion you guys are able to convey, but more importantly the weight of it. When I'm listening to your music, I can feel it in my stomach, not just think "damn, that's some nice melody goodness". I believe your sense of melody is somewhat akin to Nevermore in that Nevermore is another band adept at making dark, beautiful music; however there is something about your songwriting and execution that carries a lot more emotional weight than anything else. As you might be able to tell I'm having great difficulty trying to express this in writing but I hope you get my point.

Another thing that I appreciate is your communication with your fans. I think it's awesome the way you are active on this forum and seem to honestly care about what your fans think of your music.

In finishing I just felt I had to let somebody know about how your music affected me and who better to inform than the creators! I'm still yet to get the newie because I live in Australia and we always seem to be on the arse end of all the best metal releases but I'm eagerly awaiting it to be ordered in. I have heard a few tracks though and that's what urged me to write this :)

Next thread will be my 1000 word essay on the new album once I finally fucking get it! :tickled:
Your support is very important to us, and we are lucky to have such great fans... Thank you! Its amazing that you all take the time to give a shit about our band, and to actually make someone feel an emotion with our music... that is an amazing thing.
Thanks metal brother. Nevermore gots some great songs, bands that do that to me are Embraced, Mutant, Dimmu Borgir, Infernal Method, Bloodbath, some In Flames songs.

Hey man Communication, metal networking is the key, I love doing it, I enjoy talking to all the heads who take interest in our music, I have thousands of people I have on all my messangers combined. We care for those that take interest in our music, but ultimatly we write for ourselves and if you metal heads like it, we are here to answer all questions besides the email way. Let us know what you think of our new album.
Yeah, I just ordered your CD from The End Records. Should be in any day now and I'm sure it's going to be good. Keep up the good work guys :headbang:
The new video is kick ass, it just makes that song ten times better than it already was.
I was happy to do that homework assignment for you, I have posted the link on our website. It turned out pretty cool, let me know what your friends and classs things about it. Thanks Shayne. Spread the Vehemence word!!

"our drummer thinks your voice sounds creepy"
I was happy to do that homework assignment for you, I have posted the link on our website. It turned out pretty cool, let me know what your friends and classs things about it. Thanks Shayne. Spread the Vehemence word!!

"our drummer thinks your voice sounds creepy"
hahahaha that rocked
thanks man :worship:
hahahaha its takign me forever to script it
my mates didnt believe me when i said i had an interview with John Chavez from vehemence
hahaha they didnt believe me or asked me if you could get them an interview with the singer from The Black Dahlia Murder lol go figure :err:
my voice is creepy? eh, thats what u get for being an aussie o_O
guys, john fucking rocks at that audio stuff
what a champion