My Dying Bride, Anathema, or Paradise Lost?

My Dying bride got me into doom, "turn loose the swans" had a major impact on me and my life. It broadened the style of music i listened to. When i first heard them i said "yes, that's it!" even though I never heard them before. Still the GODS of doom metal

Anathema came around the same time, Serenades is one monster slab of emotional doom metal, they have been extremely conistant up until the last album which i thought lacked something. I still cannot describe the impact of emotions this band gives me, MY FAVORITE BAND EVER

Paradise Lost i got into after these bands, and although not as gothic or doomy as early MDB or anathema they were still very dark and emotional. ICON and Draconian Times I fell in love with, I rediscovered Shades Of God not too long ago and decided that it's a masterpiece too. Some of the later stuff is great too, but the early days were the best

Overall i would say Anathema then MDB then paradise lost
and i love the three bands equally, maybe MDB and anathema more. and also im one of the few people on earth who liked PL's "host," "believe in nothing" and "symbol of life." well to be precise, symbol of life received some good criticism, though.

with no introduction they rockkkkkkkkkkkkk...........

so i give my vote to this bandddddddddddddddddddddddd....:hotjump::grin:
My Dying Bride, hands down.

But Anathema have created masterpieces with the Silent Enigma and Alternative 4. The new stuff is good too, but the new albums are no timeless classics.

From Paradise Lost I've only got the debut, it's sooo über-doomy and it's got some kind of evil-feeling to it, it's totally great. even if the band couldn't play at all at that time and the production sucks ass. (but I guess that's are what makes the album so great ;)