My family got bigger!


May 31, 2002
Arlington, Virginia
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I brought a sweet little kitty home!
She came from BARC - Baltimore Animal Rescue Center and she belonged to my co-worker's sister who decided she doesn't want a second cat, and so I happen to be in the market for one, so I met her, loved her, and took her :)

She is 2 years old, and I named her Islay (pronounced ‘eye-la’ - it's an Irish,Gaeilge name)

So far things with Shrike are so-so... Islay came from a house with two labs so
I figured she would be used to dogs, but she may be used to labs, but not to
my full blooded hound who has to stick his nose and "play play play" with everything. So, hopefully in time she'll get more used to my pooch.
Also... Shrike is extremely jealous of the new creature, but in time everything will be better.

She is so affectionate and sweet!

Now I have two creatures who follow me around the house wherever I go... a dog and a cat :)

As we speak she is in my lap awwwww!






Thanks guys :oops:

It's so nice to have a cat again after all those years I've been cat-less.

She is gorgeous! She looks like a Bangle-mutt with all those markings on her coat - only she is a tiny little thing (8 lbs)

Right now the dog and the kitty are sleeping in the living room and no one bothers each other; success?!?!
lolz whisky cat

It's such a pretty name though! (but you're right, I was inspired by the island that makes my favorite single-malt :Smug: )

wish I wasn't allergic to cats :(

How elergic are you, and what happens to you?

I think I have a really minor allergy for cats myself... it shows itself rarely and
the symptoms are usually so minor that a Zyrtec pill that I take once can last
for weeks and even months. As long as I tame the first symptom my body ignores it.. weird, I know! go figure.. and this allergy only shows with certain cats too..

You can take allergy pills and get one ;)
who would give away such a cute kitty?

The lady who got her brought her as a second cat, but her old cat HATED
this one, so she had to give her away...
I was in the market for a cat, but it was important to me to bring one that can get along with dogs... when I heard Islay lived with two labs that was a deal breaker, but so far (only 4 days, and it's nothing- I know) it's going slow... heh.
I hope Islay and Shrike will warm up to each other..
it may take time for the dog and the cat to become cool with eachother..the kitty that adopted me (yeah..he adopted me not the other way around) hates dogs but will not attack..but since he lives outside, its all good..Trusty is just really curious about him..his name is Simon...i have to get a pic of him soon..hes kinda old (has to be around 9 or so) but hes a big sweetie! he even likes being brushed!
i have a minor allergy to long haired cats...:zombie: