My family got bigger!

Beautiful cat. We have 2 cats and we got a dog a few months ago. The cats for the most part don't like him but the dog just wants to play. Its funny watching him do the play bow and the cats just look at each other like wtf?
^ awwww the play bow! That is so adorable, I love it when dogs do that and they are so happy when they do that also :)

Yesterday and today was a bit better with Islay and Shrike: I think she is more curious about him than ever, she actually pounces towards him today
in a playful kinda way- but he freaked out and ran under my chair :lol:

Also, he was sleeping on his bed today, and she got near him... slowly... slowly... sniffing gently, shrike opens his eyes slowly... sees the cat an inch from his nose
Cat sniffs cautiously, Shrike turns his face gently to the other side... cat walks away...
