My Favorite Kiss Era...


24 Hours Ago...
Jan 2, 2005
City beneath the surface
Over the years, you've probably picked up on that EOT loves 80's hard rock. With that said, 80s era Kiss is my favorite, but most hardcores won't agree. Here are a few of my favorite songs.

What are your thoughts about the "no makeup" years, concert experiences, etc.?

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Since Creatures of the Night is my favorite album...I would have to say that is my favorite period!!!
Since Creatures of the Night is my favorite album...I would have to say that is my favorite period!!!

War Machine is one of my all time favorite cuts! :headbang:

mëtålspëd;8233353 said:
My favorite era is still to come... when they stop making music.

Metalsped, this surprises me out of you, since you have a soft spot for 80's hard rock.

Damn. Damn. Damn. You beat me to it. :lol:


Zod, this doesn't surprise me out of you, since you must have the Cookie Monster as your vocalist, while making continuous references to the dark lord himself. :heh:

Metalsped, this surprises me out of you, since you have a soft spot for 80's hard rock.

I think KISS as an entity is a disgusting creature. Its a business, not a band... and I cannot support that. They have completely changed their ways as the market deemed necessary, which shows a complete and utter lack of musical integrity with me.
Metalsped, this surprises me out of you, since you have a soft spot for 80's hard rock.

Zod, this doesn't surprise me out of you, since you must have the Cookie Monster as your vocalist, while making continuous references to the dark lord himself. :heh:[/quote]Actually, I was raised on 80s era Hair Metal and still have a certain fondness for bands who can recreate that sound (PC69, Fatal Smile, etc.). I've just never been a Kiss fan. It seems they're one of those bands people either love or hate. I fall in that latter demographic.

As for the Cookie Monster thing... I do love Black & Death Metal. However, most of my favorite bands use clean vox.

My favorite is the 70's, but I do love some of the stuff from the 80's and even some of revenge. After that, forget it.

I do have a framed Kiss drawing above my fireplace in my living room--and yes, they are in make-up. :D
My favorite is the 70's, but I do love some of the stuff from the 80's and even some of revenge. After that, forget it.

I do have a framed Kiss drawing above my fireplace in my living room--and yes, they are in make-up. :D

Revenge is a decent album, but falls short for me. I love the song Unholy, but the rest is hit or miss. I think they took the "toughness" a little too far and the end product seemed a little desperate.

Long time KISS fan, well up until the Farewell Tour.. one of the worst things I've ever witnessed.

KISS today is nothing but a nostalgic gimmick to make money for Gene and Paul. It's absurd that Eric Singer and Tommy Thayer are in Ace & Pete's makeup. Granted, they're not recording any new tunes so I see the point of having them dressed up like that for their own gains, but I hate it.

Ive seen them on every tour (up to the Farewell) starting with the Crazy Nights tour. They've never let me down live (except the Farewell) for what it is.. just rock n roll.

I grew up on Kiss and Alice Cooper. I'd have to say the 70s are my favorite, but out of all the non makeup years Animalize gets my vote as the best release in that era. Mark St. John was the man.
The Classic 70's era is my favorite Kiss. Best song of the 80's era: Tears are falling. 90's: Revenge but Carnival of Souls, that came out before the reunion era could have been a notable cd if it had push.
No KISS for me, really. I guess I can jam to the really popular songs, but even those have waned on me. I agree with the "Kiss is a business not a band" statement full force. No other band that I can think of has marketed themselves so much. Kiss memorabilia is just as numerous as Elvis and Star Wars memorabilia (maybe even more).

I also hate it when people compare corpse paint to KISS makeup. Not even close. Not even the same sort of mentality or ideology behind it at all.