My final (maybe) Vanden Plas plea......


Mr. Sleepy
Apr 14, 2002
Sweet home Alabama
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Been a while since I made everyone grumble about my incessant Vanden Plas posts, but we do have lurkers. Bwahaha !!

In all seriousness, if anyone hasn't checked out this band, I highly recommend it. Vanden Plas is a prog-metal band, but they really get a lot of influence from prog-rock and theater. I think they have really seperated themselves from most other prog-metal bands.
As opposed to mindless wankery, VP takes the super melodic approach but they also give plenty of heavy movements when they see fit. "Christ 0" which is the latest VP might be the best release I have heard in five years or so doesn't get a great deal of spins per week now, but I never go a week without listening to it to or three times.
If you don't know who they are, check out or or

A fellow UM Old Schooler turned me on to this band. While I agree that "Christ O" is a VERY strong record, I have a hard time offering the high praise that many here have. Clearly, it will be one of 2006s best...but I have a hard time ranking in as Top 5 of the past 5 years.
I kinda exist somewhere between Soundmaster's and Bryant's statements. I think Christ O is just plain fantastic. I think it remains to be seen as whether this will be an "all-timer" for me.....but all that aside, the sheer quality of Beyond Daylight and Christ O are just really off the charts. Great, great stuff. Fantastic writing, delivery, downplayed production and quality. World class metal.

Again, where they stack up ultimately I need time on, but they are most definately a rose in a field of weeds, and Christ O is DEFINATELY my #2 for the year thus far (Sorry Bryant, that new Celtic Frost is a monster, and holds the #1 for now....)

In any case, they are grossly under-heard band. If they had come out in metal's seminol years, I think they'd be a band we talk about for sure in the ranks of Maiden etc., or at least Queensryche. But that is only a timing thing......they do deserve high praise regardless. If they can put out, say, 3 more records of the uncompromising quality I hear in their last two, then they may just make my "legends," list. They really are that good. At the very least, I'll go on record as saying their last two discs do meet my own personal qualifications for "masterpiece." Strong words, but there it is.
Don't hate me brother Bryant but I couldn't get into them. I guess is a matter of perception mine is impaired with them (and also with Accept, so I guess we are poles apart when it comes to metal :lol: )

It's also well known that I get into bands years after they have jumped into the scene, so I may discover Vanden Plas years from now :D

NP: Chainsaw - 'She Just Wants To Get Laid'
I'm with you Bryant! I can't get enough of this album(or the band). They hit that right mixture of everything. Spectacular musicianship crafted into songs. The God Thing, Far Off Grace, Beyond Daylight and Christ 0 are four must have cds in everyone's collection.

Keep singing VP's greatness Bryant we will convert them all.:kickass:
sixxswine said:
Great band, I turned onto them by Bryant about two years ago?! HAs it been that long?! Anyway a review of their latest disc on both the sites below...

It was FOUR years ago Sixx. It has been four years between the releases of "Beyond Daylight" and "Christ 0." Time sure does fly.

Anyway, I don't expect everyone to get the same thing I do out of Vanden Plas. We all have different tastes, but what you see from most replies here are words like "quality" and they have been delivering that for about ten years. They certainly aren't for everyone, but they are definitely worth investigating if you aren't familiar with them and that is the intention of my post. They have certainly created their niche and I hope they will at least stick around for a couple more releases.
