My first 2 mixes in 4 years.. Scandinavian/Finnish metal


Flying Finn
Jan 26, 2003
Here are a couple of brand new tracks I have done to kind of "get back into things". Been a while since I posted here. But let me know what you think of the sound and the playing please.. :) all instruments and vocals are done by me.

I used to release music under the name Mistral, maybe some people here might recognize the name. I've changed the name now to something a bit easier to market, and I hope to release a lot of new material now that I'm getting my studio up and running.

The mixes aren't completely 100% yet but I figured I'd get them up for now and move on to some more material and let them get some feedback, then release a more polished v2.0 later, that's gonna be my MO for releasing music, and all of it is going to be released free on the net via my site as each song is completed.

Gear used:

-Washburn X-Series through Peavey Revalver and Guitar Rig 2 (using 2 amp sims, and I know people tend to be anti-amp sim is imo better than using one.. leads to a fatter sound) 1 rhythm per side, lead down center.
-Neville bass played through Peavey Revalver.
-Shure SM57 for vocals
-Roland ep7e synth keyboard
-Yamaha DTXplorer electric drumkit via Addictive Drums
-Sonar 8
-TASCAM VLX5 monitors
-Q9550 with 8 gb RAM, Vista 64 Ultimate
Why dont you upload the music in a space with more quality? Myspace sucks. For what I heard, the guitars sound a little boomy but could be of myspace quality.
The firs mix sounds much better than second, especially the guitars. In the 2 music the guitars sounds too fizzy and they need more mids. Well It´s what I think.