my first 5150 clip.... emg81-od808-5150-v30-i5 & sm57


Oct 31, 2005
Ok guys...I finally got all my equipment up and running.

Signal Chain is :

-Ibanez MMM1 w/ EMG 81 (Drop A tuning)
-Boss NS-2
-Maxon od808 (Andy's Settings)
-5150 EVH (slightly modified Andy Settings)
-5150 Straight cab w/ new V30's X pattern
-Audix i5 (slightly off axis) on v30
-Sm57 (off axis) on same v30
-Maudio DMP3

I did one take per side (don't mind the sloppyness)..... 100% panning.

Guitars are absolutely dry! No processing at all.

Opinions ? Besides a new guitar player!o_O :loco:

well....should I put one mic more on-axis or eq or some "processing"to get it to taste ?

I had the i5 centered on axis, but it was too "buzzy"

I like the sound now, it has alot of 'chunk' to it.....but your right, it needs slightly more highend, but without losing the chunk though.
Remove the Maxon. It's great for a single mic config, but for duals, it robs your high end. In an on/off axis config, the mics smooth out the top enough, so really, the Maxon is just overkill. It took me three days in the studio to figure this one out.

OzNimbus said:
Remove the Maxon.

cool....i'll try that under the same I have not moved the mics or anything still.

hahaha, I tried to record one of the 5150 sheffield 1200 speakers.....what a joke! these speakers are "buzzy" as hell !
cobhc said:
Waves C4, bit of eq, some limiting, then BBE and Izotope Ozone = my standard master bus chain. You like?

Do I ?

dem shitz really put some life into it !!:worship:

.......should I do the mix like that for my WHOLE cd ? or wait til I send it out to be mastered, and let them brighten it up ?
i don't know lol i'm not even anywhere near a pro lol, i got the c4/limiting settings from black neon bob, and the bbe settings/ozone preset from another guy on here.
cobhc said:
i don't know lol i'm not even anywhere near a pro lol, i got the c4/limiting settings from black neon bob, and the bbe settings/ozone preset from another guy on here.

i've got C4, ozone 2.0, L2 and L3, T-racks, Waves Platinum, Lexicon Pantheon......but I just don't know how to work them very good.

That's why I probably need to send it off to a mastering pro.
OzNimbus said:
Remove the Maxon. It's great for a single mic config, but for duals, it robs your high end. In an on/off axis config, the mics smooth out the top enough, so really, the Maxon is just overkill. It took me three days in the studio to figure this one out.


Thanks Oz, hopefully that's saved me 3 days in the studio.

@Apollo: Yeah the sound that you got after cobhc's master is sort of what I was reffering to. You can inject a lot more livelihood into the mix just by getting the highs happening in the right places.

I'd suggest doing as much as you can during the mix itself, because you have more control over each of the elements this way. In mastering, they only have control over the stereo stem.

Although at home this process really is getting blurred. I mean, you can pretty much mix and master at the same time... or if you aren't happy with your mixdown, instead of compensating in mastering, just go back and open the mix up again.