My first generic Deathcore mix! (Lots of outboard)

Don't quite dig the mix as much as that "Surrogate" mix you posted a while ago (2 months ago I think) which you called your biggest and best mix at the time.

Sounds like the tonal characteristics of the guitars (probably because they're impulses rather than using a real cab) seem to rob the whole thing of a bit of breathing space, but you know that already, heh.

Overall, great job.

Same opinion
Loving the mix besides the rhythm guitars - sound good but lack juice! Bummed my 5150 tracks didn't fit into the mix you had set up, would've injected life into it quite a bit! Bass ended up sounding huge, though; nice one.
I tried, Jeff! Still really appreciative that you took the time to do those reamps for us. Sometimes things just don't work out... with no real explanation. At least the leads and the Tiny Terror reamps are still in there!

FWIW, with Harry's comment about the 'Surrogate' mix. That Untruth EP... we literally went through 30+ different reamps to settle on the finals that GH did. Didn't quite have the same luxury here! Plus there are other factors, like the vox having been done through an extremely high quality chain, along with everything else. Makes the whole mix process easier. I looked at the session again today and there is so little processing compared to the newer stuff I've mixed. It's partly because when I track I like to print a lot of compression and EQ (to date the Untruth EP is the only project I fully supervised the tracking over), and basically get the tones there to start with, so the mix guides itself. I have a much easier process of it when I track a project myself - just kinda goes with the territory, because you maintain that perspective of how you want the finals to sound the whole way through the project.
ermin > all.

i fucking love this song, too. i've played it like twice a day the past few days... haha.

jeff, you reamped this bass? this and CJ's bass reamps are the gnarliest shit i've ever heard. on anything, ever. for my future projects i will definitely be making you guys offers.
ermin > all.

i fucking love this song, too. i've played it like twice a day the past few days... haha.

jeff, you reamped this bass? this and CJ's bass reamps are the gnarliest shit i've ever heard. on anything, ever. for my future projects i will definitely be making you guys offers.

wow, thanks dude! bass is usually one of my favorite things to experiment with. i'm a fan of huge, nasty sounding bass as you can probably hear from my stuff.... it adds that heaviness, vibe and glue that i'm always searching for. if the bass tone sucks..... the rest of the mix will suffer greatly....!

getting ready to reamp some bass through the trem-o-verb in a bit here.... =D
Just listening on crappy comp speakers at work...sounds good! Huge and mean, maybe a little bit 'messy' for my taste. I like the vocal FX work. Had to skip ahead when the 'chorus' came in...:yuk: Kick could maybe come up a touch. Nice work!