MY first halfway decent Mix (6505 + DFH)


Mar 11, 2008

this is a little song I wrote.
Guitar chain: Ibanez -> Tubescreamer (9:00 Drive ; 10:00 Tone) -> Peavey 6505 (High Input; Lows: 1:00; Mids: 9:00; Highs: 2:00; Resonance: 5:00; Presence: 3:00] -> Orange 412 with V30 -> Rode M3 -> Firepod

Drums is Drummer from Hell.

Now tell me, ok mix or horrible ? :)

the kick and snare are very weak, guitar tone is good though nice job. but the drums are very weak and thin though man
Hi, thx for the comment.
Well it's DFH as far as i know you can't change stuff there except for the samples ^^ and Compressor on the whle drums sounds pretty horrible.

Have you ever thought of trying Steven Slate? or making your own samples, The song would be awesome (along with bass and guitar tone) if you could just get better samples. what exactly do you use for guitar?
I will try to use diferrent samples. I got steven slate samples from some sale but couldn't find out how to use them :D (you need some 3rd party program or something). Wasn't worth the hassle for me so far. I only use midi drums because i broke my ankle anyways, as soon as i can use both of my feet agai i will record drums myself again.

Guitar is an Ibanez Prestige tuned to Drop H.