Trouble with impulses and 6505


New Metal Member
Hey guys,

today I tried some impulses with my 6505 but the result sounds really dull and misses a great amount of presence and brightness. I hope that some of you can figure out what I'm doing wrong! My setup is the following:

ESP Horizon (with Duncans) -> OD 808 -> 6505 (Preamp out) -> Apogee Duet2 -> SIR2

I used a Hot Plate as load for the amp and set the post gain to 2.5 (because the post gain directly influences the volume of the Preamp out?!). The rest of the settings are similar to that in this thread here:

pre gain 4.5
low: 7
mids: 2
highs: 7
post gain: 2.5
resonance: 6
presence: 9

I set the OD 808 to the following:

Drive: 9:00
Tone: 12:00
Balance: 12:00

You can here the recorded signal from the amp without the impulses here:

and finally with the following impulses applied with SIR:

Is that a normal result for applying impulses or is there something seriously going wrong? Are there any tricks for post processing or will the mastering increase the presence of the guitar in the final mix? I would be very thankful for any kind of support or information.
Hmm. The post gain doesn't effect the preamp out, in fact you can leave it at 0 and it won't make any difference, only to the power amp section (which you are bypassing).

The only time I've had a result like this is when I was using my 5150 into my Palmer, then putting that dry signal into an impulse, but that was because that included the power amp in the chain. I have no idea why this is sounding so muffled. Are you sure there are no settings on SIR that could be making it like that? Accidentally knocked the EQ or something?
I don't see anything wrong in that recording.
What you seem to forget is that the presence and resonance controls are placed in the power amp section of the amp and therefore don't effect the preamp signal. Since you have the presence set fairly high, of course the recording sounds a lot duller and darker than what you expected.
Either try to get a good sound out of just the treble, middle an bass controls or do post EQing
I double checked the settings of SIR: The EQ and everything else that could cause something strange is switched off. I also tried KeFir and mixIr that yielded very similar results than SIR.

Of course the Presence and the Resonance have no effect on the Preamp out. But if I turn the post gain to 0 the volume of the preamp out is also 0. So the post gain influences the volume of the Preamp Out of my 6505. This is really strange. But nevertheless: Does the Preamp Signal sounds as you would expect it or is there anything wrong with it?
Okay!! I realized that the name "Preamp Out" of the 6505 is a bit miss leading because it is actually not a line out of the preamp but a kind of compensated out for direct injecting the signal into a PA or a mixing console. I really wonder how the guys from this thread got the results. Has Peavey changed something in the circuit of the the amp?

Now I'm using the Send out of the effect loop and it sounds great:
Direct Signal of the SendOut