MY FIRST IR - Cab Impulse


Apr 18, 2010
Hello all.

Tried my hand at making a speaker IR tonight. Just a quick test to see how difficult it might be.

5150 - Resonance and Presence at zero
Gallien Kruger GK212gs with port
i5 - Dust cap edge
EL-9 Mike-E with HF Emphasis on, subtle drive, no compression

Let me know what you think. I'll make some more with different mics, cabs and analog processing (I have quite a bit of this stuff) if there is any interest.

Get it here:
Edit to the above (sorry):

Resonance and Presence set to '5'

Speaker cab is 2x12 loaded with Celestion 70's

I'm aware that the slight warmth/distortion and compression from the EL-9 will not be present in the IR. But the TONE that it imparts is audible (albeit subtle).


Would like to do more. Any help would be appreciated.

I'm using liquidsonics reverberateLE for the IR. What is everyone else using these days?

keFIR is cool, kinda kludgy... LeCab uses too much CPU... Boogex has latency... Anything else??

Any interest in Ampeg 8x10 IR's? Sunn 2x15? Marshall 1960? Peavey Ultra (Celestion 85's). Etc...

Which mic?

Pfhuck, one of the best IR loaders is SIR2 fron Knufinke, a german developer. It is really great. I will try your Ir this week. Keep doing more, I know they will be sure great!
Thanks for your reply Scottxx!

I remember SIR from many years ago, when I believe, it used to be a free plugin. It's payware now, right?

ReverberateLE is in my opinion probably the best free IR loader right now. You should check it out if you haven't already.

I'm discouraged by the lack of feedback on my IR. I don't know if it's worthwhile to make any more if nobody will use them. Know what I mean?

I'm guessing it must sound bad, very bad, if nobody will even comment.

Thanks anyways!
I'm discouraged by the lack of feedback on my IR. I don't know if it's worthwhile to make any more if nobody will use them. Know what I mean?

I'm guessing it must sound bad, very bad, if nobody will even comment.

Thanks anyways!

Dude.. before you climb a water tower and start shooting people, at least wait a day or two before complaining of lack of feedback..

Within less than 3 hours you wrote:

Give people some time to download it, try it and think about it..