My First Mix!!! Criticism extremely welcome...


Aug 16, 2010
This is my first mix that I am working on ever!

The song is an experimental song & is quite long... no need to listen to the full song, but by all means. I have ALOT to work on still and I know that... just looking for some other ears and some suggestions to make sure I keep going along the right way.

I already know a few things I have to do like melodyne the bass, automate the levels of the song (big time!!) and some more EQ/Compression...

A problem I already hear is I believe I have waayy too much low end! Professional recordings that I hear have a very controlled low-end, almost like you can't hear it but feel it, or the low end goes into the subs.

Again, I have a lot to do but here is an early listen on what I am working on! Would love your thoughts.....


The Social Experiment #2 Social Experiment + 2.mp3
In the beginning everything sounds full, guitars, bass, drum fill. But when it kicks in everything become thin, I can't barely hear the acoustic strumming and the kick sounds awfully SD un-edited. But since it's an experimental project I guess it suits the style haha. Electric guitars are a tad bright to my ears.
I'll repost a new mix with good automation and better takes later.... I heard it and I have a lot more work to do.

Kick was something I heard though. Thanks.
For a first mix it ain't bad! Like Redline4, I can hardly hear the acoustic guitars. I can only make out a strum here and there. I think the guitars seem a little bright because the mix is lacking in low end and some low mids in the guitars. Destroys anything I ever did for my first two years trying this "mixy" stuff, though.
Those are very kind words. Thank you for the advice.... I will definitely check it out. I really need to work on the mix a lot more and will present it again later. I have to EQ the guitars a bit more and get some clarity and air to the mix.
