my first mix here, "Red vs Blue"


Lord Of All That Is Beige
Feb 28, 2007

just finished a mix and would be interested in what you think. The stuff people put on here is pretty frickin' amazing... so I was kinda intimidated putting anything up... but fuck it... only way to learn huh...:)

it's very prog-rock-ish with a long ass intro, so apologies for that... does get a little heavier eventually though... cheers:

Red vs Blue

take care,
I like the song in general, Listening in my 30 dollar sony headphones, I think the repetative guitar riff that drives the song could come down a tad, I think the drums in general could come up a notch, maybe add some verb and compression to the snare to liven it up a bit / make it more consistent, I really like the way the sung vocal parts sound and the performance is great, I think singer guy lacks conviction in the screaming territory but thats more of my own problem, id probably dump some very slight overdrive the screaming parts, or maybe have him sing behind the screams, or both. the line "motherfu??ers better run from me" in particular rubs me wrong, kinda cheezy. The guitars sound pretty good, not the most amazing thing ive ever heard but they arent doing the song a dis-service, they work fine in the mix and Id have no clue what to tell you to make them sound better, the keys sound cool too. Just my two cents, Im no Sneap, cool song though.