My first mix with real drums.

Loren Littlejohn

Lover of all boobage.
Work in progress, the vocals get added later this week.

Looking for input on the drums, this was my first attempt at micing a drumset. I didn't like the kick so I blended sneap's to the original.

I am aware of the masive fuckup at the end.

Things that I am specifically looking for input on are the bass guitar and the Toms.

"Beautiful Letdown"
Just wanted to give the specs on this recording:


Both are Ibanez MMM1
Amp: Both are Crate BV120H :puke:
Cabinet: Both are crate BV with vinatage 30s
Overdrives used: One was a boss Bluesdriver and the other was Ibanez Tube King.

Tri miced with a sm57 (dead on), e609 (off axis), and a Audix f15 (backed off 2 feet in front of the grill)

Bass Guitar:

Bass: 81 Fender American J 4 string
Amp: Ampeg BA-210 (2 ten inch speakers)

2 tracks of bass guitar were done
One was miced with an audix f12
The other was the balanced line out from the amp
Some fuzz shit was added in post.

Mapex somthing (not my drumset)
Snare: Some high end pearl (I really don't know the drums that well)
Cyms: Various ziljian shit, mostly A custom

Snare was miced with a sm57 (top) and a e609 (bottom)
Toms were all audix f10s
Bass drum was a audix f12 (ended up being triggered)
Cyms were done with audix f15s

I tried the "over the shoulder techniqe that I have read about but didn't like it. I ended up with just a matched pair over the cymbols. I was pretty impressed with the results I yielded with cheapo drum mics.
not bad but seems like its lacking some dynamics or in your faceness..

Not 100% sure what you really need to change im sure some others can help you more but hey just wait for my first drum mix coming soon k!!!:erk:
Bass sounds great to me.

I'm not a fan of the guitar tone. Can't put my finger on it, maybe it's just the amp....
Everything sounds good, especially the bass and the kick. Great job! But I'll agree that the guitars are lacking some fullness. A couple more ballsy guitar tracks with strong lower mids should help with that. Also, the snare might be a little polite sounding for my tastes - you might want to compress it a bit more, or tell the drummer to hit harder (the compression thing is probably a much easier way to go ;) )
Everything sounds good, especially the bass and the kick. Great job! But I'll agree that the guitars are lacking some fullness. You might want to compress it a bit more, or tell the drummer to hit harder)

There is no hitting the snare harder, if you saw him play you would make this face ----> :OMG: at how hard he hits. Really if he were to hit it harder the stick or the head would break (not really he does mostly rimshots but :rolleyes:) So I will take your suggestion and try compressing the snare a bit more.

I agree with the guitar statement though :)
There is no hitting the snare harder, if you saw him play you would make this face ----> :OMG: at how hard he hits. Really if he were to hit it harder the stick or the head would break (not really he does mostly rimshots but :rolleyes:) So I will take your suggestion and try compressing the snare a bit more.

I agree with the guitar statement though :)

I see. It must be the snare itself then. I'm not terribly familiar with drums though, acoustic or otherwise, so I won't pretend like I know what I'm talking about any more. :backs away slowly: :loco:
Not bad. i don't completely agree with all your eq and compression (eg, snare rings and could pop more).
I'd like to hear the kick without the Sneap sample over it, just to see what you had to work with/ why you put the Sneap kick over it. (Note: I'm extremely against using other people's samples. I'd only do it if the original file was so crap that it was barely audible).
Not bad. i don't completely agree with all your eq and compression (eg, snare rings and could pop more).
I'd like to hear the kick without the Sneap sample over it, just to see what you had to work with/ why you put the Sneap kick over it. (Note: I'm extremely against using other people's samples. I'd only do it if the original file was so crap that it was barely audible).


(this was version before fixed intro) the only difference was mixing on the toms and there is no Overdrive on the bass guitar on this version the mic on the bass drum was inserted 1/4" inside the port hole:
Ok new problem: ...this snare really is that "ringy" and I am usure as to how much I want to change the way it sounds... Should a gate and/or EQ the ring out?
don't gate or EQ to tame the ring, adjust the compressor... use a Slow(er) Attk and Long(er) Release... these need to be adjusted to get the amount of pop and ring. with a fairly large ratio, the longer release will tone down the ring...

the slow(er) attk will let the pop thru

the long(er) release will hold the ring down

it's a fine line to get this just right

even consider two compressors back to back... one for the pop (attk) and one for the ring (release).
thats kinda cool 2 comps im gonna have to give that a wirl cause i have ring problem to I wanna tame and want more pop:headbang:
so that double comp thing worked pretty good guitargod?

I'm pumped to give this a whirl but i got court in the morning and need to get some rest if i get into protools it usually ends up being an all nighter!!