My first time --- My birthday today 28/3

Hi ORPHANED-LAND, how are you doing?

I welcomed you also in another tread because I didn't know than that you have already got one of your own. :)

I welcome you to our forum with all my heart and I'm happy we have ways to comunicate. Thank you for all the love for OL, it means everything to us.

Did you notice how "SALAM" and "SHALOM" are so similar words? Their root is the same, and they also mean the same thing! Peace bro, SALAM.
Yeah hebrew and arabic both originated from aramic.
I would say some nice words in arabic but I don't speak arabic
I just know the word MAJNUN which means crazy(I Think)

so i greet you with SALAM and may ALLAH watch over your spirit.
I'm Joe(or Yossi) from Australia.

Hi metalheads11 & Orphaned Matti

thankx ALL u r right

Slam llkal in english Hi 4 All

I hoppe we will be 4 ever like that no heate no sad

metalheads u right MAJNON = Crazy

ana MAJNON in OL = I'm Crazy in OL

see ya
I know some words in Arabic. Both my mother and father are arabic also. They didn't teach me arabic because turkish people had very prejudiced views against arabs till some years ago. My father(who passed away from cancer at the age of 73 btw.) used to say that our family are the descendants of Hazrat Omar, the second khalifate of Islam and he(Hz. Omar) were blond and had blue eyes(I have the same looks). He also used to say that he had friends from Jordan who were also claimed to be descendants of Hz. Omar and there is a small city in Jordan where most people are descendants of Hz. Omar and they had similar racial attributes. I don't really know but my family history has always been interesting to me because we are from the city of Mardin where nearly only the arabs and kurds live, near the Syria border. We have relatives in Syria and nearly all our family look like northern europeans than arabs...
hi bro wilcome agian
look For me ther is no defrent betwean arab And other We R from This World

And Her We r all listen To Metal Music So We R A Family

And If u See me U Will Say That I'm not Like Arab
So Teake It eazy Man And see Ya Around Bro0o

If U like Add Me on MSN Bro0o

thankx Agian for u r Post