Today is my birthday.


Lightside of Aquarius
Yep, I turn 31 years old on June 14th, today.

I am now 31.

It doesn't seem like it. Most people think I am about 25 or so, b/c I always wear Rock or Metal t-shirts and blue jeans or shorts, depending on the weather.

I still skateboard. I still headbang. I still listen to Iron Maiden. (I have been a devoted fan for 22 years straight).

Most of my life has been spent on Iron Maiden. That is no joke.

I started listening to Maiden when I was in 5th Grade in Elementary School back in 1986.

I heard the original "Somewhere In Time" tape for the first time, and I loved everything on it.

"Wasted Years" is the song that got me hooked on Iron Maiden for life.

Today, I plan to have a small party here at home, and I will go out to eat at a nice resturant for a birthday meal, and goof around with birthday presents I get.
Welcome to the over 30 club.

I was 32 on the 9th June.

I didnt celebrate as it was a Monday, so I had a BBQ on the following saturday. It rained but didnt dampen our spirits, well what could, we drank and drank and drank and drank and drank and well yeah you guessed it drank.

I persoanlly drank so much cider (24 cans) that i really did fell unwell the next day. And then the JD and Jim beam was opened and after that all I can remember is the police turning up because me and me mates were trying to busk in the street at like midnight, we couldnt play cos we were so drunk so we tried to sing 2 minutes to midnight and I dont think it went down well.

Neighbours are still speaking to me though so you never know. :D

We all have to grow old, I'm doing it disgracefully :rock:
The presents I got for my birthday were:

1. Bruce Dickinson - Anthology 3-DVD set.
2. TestAmenT - Formation of Damnation CD.
3. WarBringeR - War Without End CD.
4. Tarja - My Winter Storm CD/DVD set.
5. Cinderella - Long Cold Winter CD.
6. JOURNEY - Captured CD.
7. Steve Perry/JOURNEY - Steve Perry's Greatest Hits CD.
8. Arch Enemy - Rise of the Tyrant CD.
9. Bon-Jovi - 7800 Degrees Farinheight CD.

I love the Bruce DVDs. Awesome stuff right there.
That's pretty cool, dude. Have you been able to listen to all of the CDs? I was wondering what Tarja sounds like without Nightwish.

Also, I do recommend Journey's new CD Revelation. Many Steve Perry fans have begun to fully accept new vocalist Arnel Pineda.
My birthday itself was not as half as awesome as the presents I got.

My birthday was terrible overall, the day itself. Hard day at work, and when I got home from work being dead tired, bad news came in through the mail.

Other than being alive for 31 years now, and getting cool presents, and having a good birthday lunch, the rest of the day was horrible.
I listened to about 3/4ths of them all the way through. I haven't watched the Tarja DVD yet or listened to the Cinderella CD all the way through yet, but the rest I have.

I watched the entire Bruce Dickinson Anthology 3 DVDs today. I was off from work. I absolutely loved every second of them, even the cheesy "Biceps of Steel" Samson video.

If you ever get that DVD set, make sure to watch Bruce's interview on the 3rd DVD. He tells you stuff about his solo CDs that I never knew before. How he originally wanted the "Balls to Picasso" CD to sound like what "The Chemical Wedding" CD would later become, but it never happened b/c of the producer he got to make the "Balls to Picasso" CD. He said that he wanted the song "Cyclops" about twice as heavier as it is on that CD. He said if you listen closely on some of the heavier songs on "The Chemical Wedding" CD, you can actually hear the beat for "Cyclops" in there.

He said that the "Skunkworks" CD was a mixed bag overall. Some people loved it, some people hated it.

He also said that out of all of Maiden's CDs, only "Brave New World" sounds more like Bruce's solo stuff than any other Maiden CD. He said the song writting on "Brave New World" had the same feel as "The Chemical Wedding" CD did.

He also said that "The Chemical Wedding" CD when it first came out was the best overall Metal or Rock CD for that year, but it never got the credit that it desevered, which I totally 100% agree with.

About the new Tarja CD: The same music of "Dark Passion Play" but just a whole lot better. This is what "Dark Passion Play" should have always sounded like but never did.

That WarBringeR CD is absolutely so kick-butt all the way through. 80's sLaYeR/MegadetH/TestAmenT/and early MetallicA in 2008. The same sound as those bands in 2008 all rolled up into one sound.

I haven't heard the new JOURNEY CD yet.

But I did get the new J. Priest CDs when they came out, although the new CDs were not very good.

I also got the new Motley Crue CD too when it came out. Awesome CD. Crue's best CD in 15 years.