My first trip to Canada.

matt schrauben

Curse You All Men!
Jan 24, 2006
Westphalia, MI
So, on June 9th, Saturday. My Cousin, some friends, and myself took a trip to Windsor (we are all 19, so you know why we went up there!) and i have to say that may possible be the most fun i have ever had in my life. Going from bar to bar getting kicked out of some bars and being the drunkest i probably have ever been. Fuck i could barely walk straight and almost walked into a street light! Then a while after i went to domino's and ate 3 giant slices of pizza, gave my crust to some homeless dudes, and, in my drunken state, gave them more money than i should have!

All in all i love Canada! Dave, when is your next show so i can come up and get shit faced!

Hit the show on aug. 10th then go camping (drinking in nature) in northern Ontario....

You ain't been drunk till you've been camping drunk, and you don't know the meaning of the word hangover till you have been camping hungover.

Also, the scenery out there is fantastic!