Vegas Trip


New Metal Member
Apr 16, 2008
Costa Mesa, Ca
well i thought i would write to all of you and tell you how my vegas trip went..

i took a six hour trip to Vegas and right when i got here i started partying pretty much...drinking for 5 days is a lot of alcohol...mixing....Rum and Coke, Jack and Coke, Vodka and Coke, Beer, Margratias, and Weed all in a matter of 5 days. Then i gave two days to rest and rehydrate myself... Wednesday night i did shrooms... we went to the Orleans and i seriously freaked out...i didnt want to be there and then we went to the strip and i started freaking out again... so i had to get outta there... we left and driving home was fucking awesome listening to some Decapitated and shrooming... hella.:headbang:
then last night i fucking drank 4 sparks (the black ones and yes only 4) i was hella wasted and i puked:puke:... i was on the strip when i was drinking and telling all the hot guys and chicks walking by telling them they are hot ... then on the way to a friends house i needed to puke and i did...then i pasted out and woke up and started smoking weed:Smokin:... i was fucked up seriously... i love drinking, weed, shrooms and metal!!

no pictures :cry:i know its sucks
hahaha I remember I IMed you one night and you said you were in Vegas and you were drunk...but you probably don't even remember that :lol:
oh. d00d im drunk for the first time! lets b fri3ndsz
